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I hear gun shots echoing in my head, as if they were shot in the distance, like a dream where the faster you try to run, the slower you are. The cold air of the night is piercing my face as I run to no certain destination.I realize the gun shots are coming from the pistol in my hand. i watch as the flames of each bullet scream in slow motion looking for their victim. It feels like a nightmare I can't wake up from. I'm bleeding from a bullet shot to the stomach. I feel the burning of the bullet inside. I hear screams from frightened women, and yells from men dying. It's a yell I never want to hear again. I can sense the evil and death in the dark moonless night. Bullets whiz by so close I can feel them as they pass me by. It's nothing like the movies. When these bullets hit, there is no turning back. I find my ranfla, get in and hit the gas, almost forgetting to turn the headlights on. I can't believe I'm shot. I don't want to believe it. Deep down inside I know I had it coming.