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STORY BY: PSILO707 08-10-2005, 06:31 PM
"Caught In Mexico, Prison & Hell"

A few people asked about this in another thread and I actually have been meaning to write something lengthy about when i got popped since it was one of the most serious situations in my life, so i might as well start typing. It doesn't seem like it, but it's a little bit of a summary since a bit more stuff went on than this. Some some people might not realize the difference between american and mexican jails, which is another reason id like to get the point across.. hahah oh man... if i ever go to jail in america ill be in paradise in comparison.

If you're interested in how Mexico Jails do their process, read on. If not, don't, its long. Im not proud or anything of what I did, I would never boast about drug involved situations , thats not why they are here. But being a drug enthusiast, and knowing these substances don't hurt as much as national laws want us to think they do, it all seemed worth it at the time.

..... So basically we were bringing back hundreds of vials of ketamine every couple of weeks to the states, and the price of K has gone up so much that it easily tops coke and weed as the #1 most expensive substance. We were getting them for 15 bucks and selling for 65, selling out within one Friday+Saturday "weekend". I got tired of the company, and decided to start doing solo missions since everyone else was sort of baggage (besides them being the drivers, but i had my own car..) Did that for a while, came up pretty nicely, and didnt have to get a real job which worked for that point in my life.

So one day I go down, and shit has changed. I talk to my main vet-pharmacist and he takes me to the back and shows me charts of legal and illegal substances around the map, showing the traffic to and from his location to everywhere. Internationally, ketamine had been put on restriction in many countries in a short amount of time and supply was barely coming in to Mexico. He said there was no way I was going to get any that day, I should have taken his advice.

I walked out and found a guy on Revolution Dr. (the big one) that I remembered from a couple months back that could hook it up. I talked to him and he said "hell yeah, come with me", I get in the car. He starts calling a few pharmacies to see whats up, no luck anywhere. Finally we find one that says they can do it, and to meet them in the back of their store. I pull out the stack of bills and start haggling, and he wasn't going lower than 25 which was pretty depressing, but I had to settle for it and did the deal. Now here's where I slipped up. I should have hit a fence or two and started sprinting down Revolution into the crowd and disappeared. But I didnt sense any danger and everything was calm and I got back into the car and told him to take me to my car.

2 Minutes later I see a federalie car coming up quick behind us, I tense up. I look at the dude, and tell him to pull over. The Fed car lights go on and my driver still doesn't think its for us. They pull up on the side and start yelling out the window and basically run us off the road. I stash the bag of vials under the seat because that car had no where else to put it, not that it would matter. In America, in this situation, you could bet your ass I would fucking be off, running at high speed and would do anything i could not to get caught. But as soon as I jumped out the car, I had 3 officers pointing automatic rifles at me. Obviously I said fuck it, and dropped to the ground. I still think they probably would have shot me if I took off.

First, the way I got caught: My driver didn’t snitch. The pharmacy didn’t even snitch. But, like I warned earlier, the mexican police had a camera system set up across the street from EVERY pharmacy on the block. They saw me come out with a bag, and unluckily for me, containing a substance that spelled major trouble ‘as of that month’. I wouldn’t call what I did a rookie mistake – I would just call it a bad decision to not take off running on my own as soon as I had what I needed. Just remember that if any of you are ever in that position (DON’T BE).

Next, the rest of the day…

It was like a dream-state as I was riding in the back of the car towards the station. It couldn’t really be happening like this. The amount of shit I had on me was enough to put me down for a long time, as well as be reported to U.S. customs. I wasn’t scared or angry though, it was like the whole situation stripped away my ego… I was just a lifeless soul sitting there, not thinking about anything.

The feddies pulled off to a side street before we reached the station. Two of them went away, leaving me with the main guy. It was dark out now and it was some alley, I started sketching a little bit. We started talking and he turned out to not be too bad of a guy, he told me about his family in Colorado and how he hates to see American guys like me get busted trying to pull similar shit. He had the bag of K’s in his hand, and he looked at me and said, “Ill cut you a deal as long as you keep quiet”. In exchange for me 1) staying out of Tijuana, more for his safety than mine and 2) the rest of the money in my sock, which was $650 or so… he would throw 90 vials away, and charge me for possession of 10 . I had no choice really. After giving him the cash and him having me crush my liquid on the pavement, the other two came back and we went to the station.

So my charge was now 1/10 of what it should have been. It was still pretty harsh consequences but I was relieved at least for a minute and the world became to feel like less of a nightmare. They chained me up to 3 other people while we waited for the paddy-wagon to take us from the station to the real prison. The mexican guy next to me was maybe 60 years old and was so drunk, he reeked like shit. I guess he’d been there a lot before and was just slurring words at me in Spanish, a language I cant speak worth a fucking damn. So I just kept my cool with him and nodded and minded my own business as always. The paddywagon came – one of the ones where the entire side portion is open to the street so everyone can see. Inside the wagon I met a tweaker, he was on a good one, and asked if I had any meth. I said nahh but I kept the convo up just because I was glad to be getting my mind off the situation. He was the kind of tweaker that’s so deep into it that he thinks everyone and everything is conspiring against him. “They know what we do, we cant get away! They have so much on us man… we cant ever get away!”, talking about the Mexican law enforcement, and later, aliens.

Got to the jail after like 30 mins of driving (for some reason?), and entered the holding cell. For the next two hours, this single room, filled with 20-25 assorted T.J. gang members, druggies, and general fuck-ups, taught me a lot about how bad their daily enviroment was.. even more than I realized. “Give me your belt”, I was immediately told.. “Fuck no”, I wasnt about to give anything else up at this point. guy came up on me, I was so fucking delirious I didn’t care what happened and I think he could tell that. Another guy who was cool with me throughout the whole thing, Juan, stepped in and told him to back off. I was the only non-mexican in there and none of them could speak english, except for Juan and a couple other guys who knew a few words. I sat in the corner next to what looked like a dead body.. it was fucked. A couple other confrontations happened, a couple between me and various guys seeing my position (im not small, but being the only ‘one’ of a certain race in ANY location sort of sets you back), and a couple fights went down between rival members.

Two hours later we stripped down, got searched to the max, and put in our cells. Before I went into my cell they had two guards talk to me and ask me what I thought I was doing. I said “I dunno” and sort of shrugged them off. Next thing I know Im on the ground with blood coming from the back of my neck.. I was hit in the back with a nightstick, and it dug in pretty well. Thought nothing of it though even though i wasnt expecting it. I crawled into my cell and got up to the top bunk, seeing the other 3 people in the cell shivering and cold on their cots. The cots are basically stone bricks, which are purposely tacked and scratched up to be uncomfortable. I took off my shirt and made a pillow, and tried to sleep my way through it.

Not happening, no fucking way. The next 8 hours, I sat in the cell, feeling my brain disintegrate. There was nothing. There was 6 cots, one nasty fucking toilet sitting in the middle, and steel bars on the window (which was too high to see out of) and the main hallway. Every hour, the guard would come by with a bowl of water and slip it under the door – the water was filled with gnats, flies, and a few bugs Ive never even seen before. The others drank it quick but I said Fuck that, I’d rather be dehydrated. I laid there thinking what was going to happen next. I didn’t know when Id get out, and the guards weren’t letting me use the phone, especially since I didn’t know how to ASK in Spanish “Can I make a collect call?”, lol. I had no money, and I cant speak their language.. I was fucked..

After 8 hours of pure hell, paranoia, confusion, they led me to another cell. It was small, but it was just me and another guy. I stayed here for about 24 more hours, in which I was fed only twice (both times making me take some foul shits) and finally forced myself to sip the water.

Nothing interesting happened in that period. Finally a guard calls my name, I’m led out to the main door where I see two of my roommates that I lived with, somehow standing there. They came up with the bail money, which wasn’t even over $100 (to this day I dont know how I got off so cheaply.. Mexico is ridiculous)… and just like that, the doors opened and I ran my ass outside. It was 4 A.M. and I couldn’t really talk. I felt like I was retarded as shit, and tried to get a grip. We followed some guy who knew where he was going back across the border and I got to my house in S.D. by morning.

A few thousand dollars poorer and a lot smarter (in a way), I knew I was one lucky mother fucker to be back in America. I shouldn’t be here right now and what’s even more outrageous to me is that the U.S. law enforcement never heard about my arrest or anything dealing with me. If I had been booked for the full amount of vials… If a miracle hadn’t happened and that cop didn’t give me a deal… my life would be fucked up until the day I died.. international trafficking charges are not cool.

Truthfully, in reality it was worth it, since I made more money than I ever could have lost on a single trip. But I realize I got lucky, and although im an atheist, it feels like some force was protecting me from getting what I deserved law-wise, and I’ll never fuck around with stuff like that again. I’ve kept my deal to the cop and will never cross the border again, Mexico is off limits for me. I don’t know if they really have paperwork that would legally deny me rights to access the country, but I don’t care either way, I’m not going back out of respect for what he gave me.

Sorry for the 4 page essay. People were asking and I was meaning to write for a couple other people anyway since I never really told my own friends the full deal.

And oh yeah… K is still the #1 drug in existence. lol

edit: repasted again.. oh and almost exactly 2 years later.. K is still the best drug. lol


Sicc OG
Feb 8, 2004
at first i was gonna say i aint readin all that shit...

then i skimmed backwards and remember reading that shit when it was originally posted...



Sicc OG
Jan 28, 2008
that waz a coo lil narrative Cain, glad u made it out in one piece

ps- im waitin 4 the cool story bro picz to show up

Dana Dane

RIP Vallejo Kid
May 3, 2002
the reading comprehension award for the day goes to:

that waz a coo lil narrative Cain, glad u made it out in one piece

ps- im waitin 4 the cool story bro picz to show up

Also, you know its a slow OF month when people start reposting other peoples posts just to get a convo going.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
i think my last arrest was almost as bad...more or less because of what happened to get me thrown in....psilos the homie tho and that story kept me outta future trouble...for a while......i was still goin back and forth to tj until the last time i realized i wouldnt see daylight if i did it again

i wouldnt even tell my story without putting a price on the book lol


Master of Debauchery
Aug 18, 2003
Off the Grid
Thanks for posting! It makes me feel better, because I'm on my way back to prison for at least two years more than likely unless my attorney can pull some magic. This reminds me there are way worse conditions in other places and how spoiled we are here in the U.S. Prison System. I'm actually looking at my upcoming sentence to be more like a vacation, especially since it's non-violent this time. That means more than likely I will spend more of my time at The Country Club aka Camp Snoopy... I'm looking forward to hanging with the Brothers and get my fat ass back in shape.

I know what he means by some unknown force got him out of some shit! When I was in classification my last time down I had the same experience when I thought I was a dead motherfucker! Thanks again for posting...
Dec 4, 2006
From what I seen and been told, Mexico jails are not the bidnezz. I have seen jails in El Salvador while visiting family members, they're ugly as fuck.

I would rather do time in the states over a prison/jail in a 3rd world country..

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
i remember the day the federales got they guns back (they took all of their guns over police corruption issues) they were riding through the TJ aquaduct with they guns in the air on some hyphy shit....

theres watchouts, watchtowers and snitches and all types of shit in tj....ive gotten so close to getting cracked it aint funny..thats why u NEVER walk out a farmacia with a bag, you tuck your shit in the fucking store and HOPE you make it to the border crossing so you get in US jail..

in most cases tho they just want your money..you wont be helping anyone in TJ's jail