Notes' Freestyle on the Bar Dash Mixtape

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Apr 25, 2002
This album was not particularly good (except for the cover, which is incredible prominently featuring Seahawks Stadium)

However, there is one track on there that's outstanding, it's Notes' freestyle. The beat is smooth, he tears it apart, his voice and words are more crisp than I've heard from him. If he's improved this much as an artist then I can't wait for the next Dividenz album.
Apr 26, 2002
"However, there is one track on there that's outstanding, it's Notes' freestyle"

What is your definition of "FREESTYLE"? But I would agree Notes burned the track.
May 2, 2002
Right on family, you know I appreciate the support. I wrote that verse when we had the big ice storm and everybody was stuck inside. Got a 5th of privelage and made it crack. The beat is a sample from Morris Day (I think) and the 11/5 used it on "Garcia Vegas" from their 1st album. I put it up on the myspace page so feel free to check it out and leave some feedback.

Steve--What is it homie? We're putting that track we did on the Dividenz album so hit me with your credits.
Apr 25, 2002
Notes spit something serious. How's that new Dividenz album comin' homie? Blueberries and Strawberries is off the chain....
May 2, 2002
Matt--Get at me fam. I've been checking some of the prices too and they're high but I been hearing about that Kansas City BBQ. So I'm sure it will be well worth it just to get a couple plates.

jloc206420--Check the myspace page, it's the last song on there called mixtape. I would put it up for download but it's off of someones else's mixtape.

Cranky--The album is literally 1 verse and 1 hook away from being done (if we don't make anymore changes--which we probably won't). Just need to schedule some studio time for next week to knock it out. Half of the album is already mixed so we just need to finish that, get it mastered and press it up. We got another project we're working on too that's moving pretty fast so we'll update you on that too.
Apr 10, 2006
guess the alarm clock finnaly went off!!!!!

Bout time yall wake up........Notes been spittin...wait till you hear his solo song our new album!!!!!! im tellin real proud of how this one sounds...i think any one who.... for whatever reason wasn't fuckin wit us the 1st time out with "HOLLOW POINT LYRICS" will be sleepin on some real dope shit!!!!!! if they dont fuck wit us on this one......lyrics, beats, concepts we got all the bases covered.....I'LL ADVISE YOU TO WAKE UP AND FUCK WIT DIVIDENZ.......

I see a lotta names get mentioned on the boards for whos a tight lyricist, group ETC.. ETC.. I feel Notes and my Name(C.O.L.A.) should be there 2....i aint trippin tho cuzz its been a minute since we gave yall somethin new to rock wit ....but after 10% Percent Rap 90% Hustle drops my name will be on yalls lists watch!!!!!Better Yet listen.......weak niggas should quit rappin now......
Dec 11, 2002
Notes said:
Going in the studio tomorrow and should have it done by next week. You know we got you on that Kalyn.

... right on.. hit me when you ready... I'll see what I do to help move some units as well..