Sixxness said:
People need to VOTE on dates and locations, in a poll thread. From there, dates need to be told to artists who may or may not show up. I'd definately talk to some people about performing, but Seattle is the best location. If people really want to do this and be professional then we should get a permit and do the shit in Gas Works park or somethin that's big enough to hold a lot of people and shit...
An internet Poll to decide where a real-life get-together is going to happen. I have to admit, I like it. It's about the most retarded idea i've heard all day, but for some reason, I enjoy it.
How about this? Someone put up their phone number and take PHONE CALLS, and listen to HUMAN VOICES. Any jackass can click a mouse and say they're going to show, but on the internet, where everyone is scary as hell, it takes balls to call an actual human, and have a human conversation, and tell that human that you are going to be there.