i got a couple of $oNg$ uN $paNi$h that might be oN my $olo or i might ju$t po$t em up 4 dowNload, all gaN$ter $hit all iN $paNi$h that NortherN ChicaNo mu$ic that$ beeN M.I.A iN the la$t few year$, ju$ty tryiNg to give chicaNo Rap it$ Name agaiN 4 the NortherN ChicaNo Homiez, Nowaday$ U look up CHICANO RAP aNywhere aNd $Krap Rap bull$hit come$ out, your boy i$ fiNNa make a chaNge, i'll keep U all po$ted, 1 NortherN Luv....
.KAO$ De W$MG Record$::