hereZ Da DeaL Enes, i Say FUCK a siCCNesS bbq, letZ ride oN these SkrapAZ, last weEK i was N la ANd suM FOo$ Rushed me wiD gettiNN sumTIn GoiNg.
ALl Us Real NORTENOs FroM this Site SHould ROll to LA and BUst oN deM fAG sKrapaz...i was thinkiN of ReNtin RED buZ wit EAST CO CO.COM on the sideZ...i GoT abouT 10 RifleZS and Few HandguNZZ, i Got EvrY DRF AlbuM to BUMP, got SoME craNKA FOR DA RIDE and Some FLAgz FOr the LOCos WHO aiNT got NoNE...Whos wit me, a killiN spree....fuCK SKRAPA$.
ALl Us Real NORTENOs FroM this Site SHould ROll to LA and BUst oN deM fAG sKrapaz...i was thinkiN of ReNtin RED buZ wit EAST CO CO.COM on the sideZ...i GoT abouT 10 RifleZS and Few HandguNZZ, i Got EvrY DRF AlbuM to BUMP, got SoME craNKA FOR DA RIDE and Some FLAgz FOr the LOCos WHO aiNT got NoNE...Whos wit me, a killiN spree....fuCK SKRAPA$.