No Child's Behind Left

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May 13, 2002
No Child's Behind Left
Greg Palast, January 21, 2004

Go ahead, George, and lie to me. Lie to my dog. Lie to my sister. But don't you ever lie to my kids.

Deep into your State of the Siege lecture tonight, long after sensible adults had turned off the tube or kicked in the screen, you came after our children. "By passing the No Child Left Behind Act," you said, "We are regularly testing every child ... and making sure they have better options when schools are not performing."

You said it ... and then that little tongue came out; that weird way you stick your tongue out between your lips like the little kid who knows he's fibbing. Like a snake licking a rat. I saw that snakey tongue dart out and I thought, "He knows."

And what you know, Mr. Bush, is this: you've ordered this testing to hunt down, identify and target for destruction the hopes of millions of children you find too expensive, too heavy a burden, to educate.

Here's how No Child Left Behind and your tests work in the classrooms of Houston and Chicago. Millions of 8 year olds are given lists of words and phrases. They are graded, like USDA beef: some prime, some OK, many failed.

Once the kids are stamped and sorted, the parents of the marked children ask for you to fill your tantalizing promise, to "make sure they have better options when schools are not performing."

But there is no "better option," is there, Mr. Bush? Where's the money for the better schools to take in the kids getting crushed in cash-poor districts? Where's the open door to the suburban campuses with the big green lawns for the dark kids with the test-score mark of Cain.

And if I bring up the race of the kids with the low score, don't get all snippy with me, telling me your program is color blind. We know the color of the kids left behind; and it's not the color of the kids you went to school with at Philips Andover Academy.

You know and I know that the testing is a con. There is no "better option" at the other end. The cash went to the end the inheritance tax, that special program to give every millionaire's son another million.

But you'll tell me, you took tests as a youth. I know you did. And you scored on the Air Guard flight test 25 out of 100, one point above too dumb to fly. But you zoomed past the other would-be flyboys. They were stamped, "Ready for 'Nam." And you took a test to get into Yale. And though your pet rock scored a wee bit higher than you, your grandpa on the Yale board provided the "better option" which got you in.

Here in New York City, your educational Taliban, led by Republican Mayor Bloomberg, had issued an edict to test the third-graders. Winnow out the chaff and throw them back, exactly where they started, to repeat the same failed program another year. In other words, the core edict of No Child Left Behind is that failing children will be left behind another year. And another year and another year.

You know and I know that this is not an educational opportunity program - because you offer no opportunities, no hope, no plan, no funding. Rather, it is the new Republican social Darwinism, educational eugenics: Identify the nation's loser-class early on. Trap them, then train them cheap. The system will provide the new worker drones that will clean the toilets at the Yale alumni club, to punch the McDonald's cash registers color-coded for illiterates, to pamper the winner-class on the higher floors of the new service economy order.

Greg Palast is author of, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy," which has returned this week to the New York Times bestseller list. View Palast's writings for Harper's, The Guardian (UK) and BBC television at
Dude hit the nail on the head. He's trying to make it seem like he gives a shit about the kids because this is election year. Well who's really thinking about the kids when there are billions of dollars available to rebuild Iraq, but their isn't enough money to keep from closing down all these schools? Why doesn't someone ask that dude to answer that question???
May 8, 2002
Locahontas said:
He's trying to make it seem like he gives a shit about the kids because this is election year.
NCLB was passed in 2001 (if a am not mistaken) and nowhere near an election year!!!!!!!! plus it was ted kennedy that was the writer and major sponsor of that bill.

Locahontas said:
Well who's really thinking about the kids when there are billions of dollars available to rebuild Iraq,
by rebuilding Iraq we stop hussein and others like him (Lybia and others) that would help terrorists from killing another 3000+ Americans, of which many would have children
May 8, 2002
Droopy Eye said:
You mean the site that uses NewsMax articles as a source to back up their claims...?

I've read most of the site and they're grasping for straws, and citing more lies to prove that Al Franken lied in his book about liars.
as soon as i get a chnace to ill hook ytou up with reliable sources.

i mean give me a break Franken is as close to a KOOK as one can get
May 8, 2002
Droopy Eye said:
You mean the site that uses NewsMax articles as a source to back up their claims...?

I've read most of the site and they're grasping for straws, and citing more lies to prove that Al Franken lied in his book about liars.
here are the sources i found at that site
LIE #1

1 Peter Lance, 1000 Years for Revenge: International Terrorism and the FBI, The Untold Story (New York: Regan Books, 2003), timeline pp. 14-15, pp. 266-269, p. 274.
[See also Richard Miniter, Losing Bin Laden: How Bill Clinton’s Failures Unleashed Global Terror (Regenery, 2003), pp. 80-81 and ...
Gerald Posner, Why America Slept: The Failure to Prevent 9/11 (Random House, 2003), pp. 78-79.]

2 Miniter, Losing Bin Laden, p. 80.
[Also Lance, 1000 Years ..., timeline p. 15, p. 274.]

3 Posner, Why America Slept, p. 79.
[Also Lance, 1000 Years ..., p. 254, p.266, (p.231).]


1 The displayed flier is from

2 Howard Libit and Tim Craig, “Allegations Fly as Election Day Nears,” Baltimore Sun, November 4, 2002.

3 Ibid.

4 Jonathan V. Last, “The Floridazation of American Politics,” The Weekly Standard, November 5, 2002.

5 Ibid.

6 Libit and Craig, “Allegations Fly as Election Day Nears.”

7 Ibid.


1 Lori Montgomery and Craig Whitlock, “Townsend Fires New Strategist for ‘Nazi’ Remark,” Washington Post, September 21, 2002.

2 Ibid.

3 David Nikin, Sarah Koenig, and Howard Libit, “Crowd’s Antics Quite Debatable,” Baltimore Sun, October 1, 2002.

4 Phillip Caston, “Steele Makes History as First Black Lt. Governor,” Capital News Service, November 22, 2002.


1 A Brown University study found at

2 Jake Tapper, “The Willie Horton Alumni Association,” August 25, 2000, [note: The official title of the “Willie Horton” ad was “Weekend Passes.” This is not to be confused with the official Bush-Quayle ad criticizing Dukakis’ furlough program, “Revolving Doors,” which made no mention or image of Horton.]


1 For more on this see “Skeptical About Sudan” by Sandy Berger, from the Saturday July 13, 2002, edition of the Washington Post. See also pages 462-463 “Notes” of The Age of Sacred Terror by Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon (New York: Random House, 2002). Warning: readers of these pieces might become “skeptical” of their views, especially if they read Richard Miniter’s book afterwards (see citation below).

2 The audiotape of Clinton was obtained exclusively by

3 “The Road to Ground Zero,” The Sunday Times, January 6, 2002.

4 According to Benjamin and Simon, The Age of Sacred Terror, p. 462. Though they attempt to discredit Ijaz, they say Ijaz “has advertised his close ties to governments in South Asia and his ability to make progress on the Kashmir conflict.”

5 Richard Miniter, Losing Bin Laden: How Bill Clinton’s Failures Unleashed Global Terror (Washington, DC: Regenery, 2003), p. 133. [Note: Another must-read. Ijaz is Chapter 6. Great work by Miniter.]


1 “Voters Crossed the Line in Miami,” Miami Herald, February 1, 1998. [See the full article at the Pulitzer website here.]

2 Ibid.

3 Ibid.

4 Warren Richey, “Florida Makes a Move to Reign in Voter Fraud,” Christian Science Monitor, May 4, 1998.

5 “Voters Crossed the Line in Miami,” Miami Herald.


1 Mary Lynn F. Jones, “Franken’s Humor Overpowered by Cynical Look At the Right,” The Hill, September 9, 2003. [It’s online here.]


1 Peter Lance, 1000 Years for Revenge: International Terrorism and the FBI, The Untold Story (New York: ReganBooks, 2003), p. 277. [note: this writer highly recommends Lance’s book; also, this Franken lie is also unwrapped in an online CNN article here.]

2 Ibid., pp. 264-267.

3 Ibid., timeline p. 15, p. 277.
LIE #8


1 “Franken’s Satirical Lies,” Bryan Keefer,, September 12, 2003,

Zahn: You wrote a letter to Attorney General Ashcroft, 27 others. [author’s note: the total number of letters was actually 27.]

Franken: Right.

Zahn: You said you were writing a book on abstinence and you wanted to use them as role models. You sent it on Harvard University stationery.

Franken: Well, yes.

Zahn: Wasn’t that all a lie?

Franken: It was a joke. I was talking about – OK – here is what it was. It was –

Zahn: Wait, it may have been a joke, too, but would you concede that that was a lie?

Franken: Yes, but it was about – here is what it was. It was saying, "Dear Attorney General Ashcroft, I’m at Harvard writing a book called – on abstinence-only education called Savin’ It. And don’t you think it is time that kids had abstinence heroes? And I would like your abstinence story."

Zahn: So the folks who are saying out there, what credibility does Al Franken have when it comes to the issue of lying. He just got caught with his finger in the cookie jar.

Franken: I think if you look at it in the context of the book, it was – I’m a satirist. And it was satirical. And I think that if you read the letter, you saw what the purpose of the letter was, which is, that these people who push – abstinence-only sex ed doesn’t work. It –

Zahn: Of course, you have seen people come out from various organizations say that you’re absolutely wrong on that one, but we don’t have enough time to have a debate on that.2


1 Apologies to Michelle Malkin, “What’s so funny about abstinence, Al Franken?,” Creators Syndicate, Inc, August 22, 2003.

2 Paula Zahn Now, CNN, broadcast on August 25, 2003.

What about Franken's own comments in respect to race and ethnicity? Look at his book again. On page 85 of Lies, Franken refers to talk-show host Sean Hannity as an "angry, Irish ape-man." Three pages earlier, Franken pondered whether Bill O'Reilly suffered from a "touch of the Irish flu." Ethnic slurs, anyone? Substitute "Mexican" or "black", and the point is clear.

Wait a second. Here's a thought:


1 Is this correct? There is a photo of Harvard’s prestigious TeamFranken on page 368 of Lies.

2 According to, 19 episodes of Lateline were made, but only 12 aired originally on NBC.