i feel you, every sunday when raiders play away or i dont got tix i'm flippin back and forth between games, checkin scores, leavin the phone line open so we can make the call to the book...free directv is the shit...but even if you hate watchin raider and 9er games that shit is a big rivalry it's gon be a good one, any football fan knoes that....
i think itz tha biggezt, mozt aniticipated rivalry in tha NFL. and tha fact that they rarely meet up in regular seazon addz to it....thiz shyt wuz sold out az soon az tha ticketz were available.
Naw I dont think its the biggest rivalry in football!! Maybe to the fans out here, but not the world! To be honest, I think the Cowboys/Whinerz rivalry is bigger!! But whatever, folks gon have diff shit so it dont matter!