What up man, Glad to hear your digging the albums. Right now we have a couple of projects on tap, here is a little low down on each:
Cinista Cin'atra - Cin'atra Status - Tenative Release Date: April 2003
Features: Silver Shadow D, Night Shield, Overflow, CityBoy, Livio, Byrdie, Fo Feva (of Nocturnal Rage), The NobleMen, Shayla Day and more...
Night Shield - Kataztrophik - Tenative Release Date: August 2003
Features: Bullet, Jazz, Cinista Cin'atra, Overflow, Shalya Day & The Noblemen, Brougham Camp.
Night Shield, Cinista Cin'atra & Overflow - Triple Crown - Tenative Release Date: December 2003
Cin'atra'z album is just about done but I've just barely started mine (about 4 songs into it) and the Triple Crown album we just decided to do like a week ago so that is just in it's early stages. We do want to do another compilation but we want to get some solos and stuff out there first. Maybe we can collab on some stuff down the line, I been doing alot of features the past few months for other people's projects around the Native Hip Hop scene...