NFL implements new fan code of conduct for 2008 season

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May 13, 2002
Associated Press

Updated: August 5, 2008, 3:21 PM ET

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NEW YORK -- The NFL implemented a new code of fan conduct Tuesday, warning that spectators who misbehave will be ejected from stadiums and barred from coming back.

The policy, first recommended by commissioner Roger Goodell at league meetings in April, is aimed at conduct that the league said "detracts from the gameday experience."

It includes bans on:

• Behavior that is unruly, disruptive, or illegal.

• Drunkenness and signs of alcohol impairment that result in irresponsible behavior.

• Foul or abusive language or obscene gestures.

• Interference with the progress of the game, including throwing objects onto the field.

• Failing to follow instructions of stadium personnel.

• Verbal or physical harassment of fans from the opposing team.

"The in-stadium experience is critically important to the NFL, our clubs and our fans and it will be a major focus this season," Goodell said in a statement. "We are committed to improving the fan experience in every way we can -- from the time fans arrive in the parking lot to when they depart the stadium."

The league also left teams the option of adding additional provisions to the code based on local circumstances. It said the guidelines would be contained in mailings to fans and signs posted at stadiums.
May 9, 2002
I almost got into a fight with this drunk faggot hair dresser that was dating one of the seagals (yea right). He wanted to fight me becuase i had a Vick jersey on (a VT jersey, not a Falcons jersey) at the Hawks/Falcons game in 05. Him and his faggy friends eventually got kicked out for picking a fight with someone else...and losing.
Jan 28, 2005
these rules seem to be widely held at the discretion of the security that works at each stadium.

outside of drunken fighting and that one guy that wont stop screaming 'fuck' every play around some children, I'd have to say you got to let everything else go.
Apr 25, 2002
I would die happy if it was "known" that you could not safely wear anything other than a hawks jersey into or around Qwest field on game day.
Don't worry my man, we have reached that point. Probably not as far as "physical" safety is concerned (b/c no stadium in the United States is like that, I don't care what anybody says, I've sat in the black hole before), but definitely as far as their overall game day experience goes. After the Redskins playoff game last year, the DC media was very taken aback at the reports Redskins fans at the game gave on the crowd. Below is a link that sums it up pretty well, and the best part is reading all of the comments people posted below. Definitely a great read for a Seahawks fan:

Online Version
"DC Fans Endure Slings & Arrows of Seattle Crowd" by Washington Post

If you can't access that b/c I think you need to sign up or something, here's a bundled PDF of everything I just mentioned, plus an article from the PI saying essentially the same thing: