haha i'll admit pac had some great songs, some great poems and was a great thinker and all but yea, as sleeper said, he ain't a god
i was a half hour early for the matrix so my and my friendz went into the pac movie, i expected it to be different it'z all a fuckin documentary although i must admit, i was crackin up when i found out that pac took up ballet
figures, nothin really bad is said about suge night....probably cause he had to do with how it was made, of course
when i first saw the mtv sign, meanin it was made from mtv, i knew it was gonna suck
to me, if they wanted a good pac bio movie like that, they shouldve went through his life with actors and shit, like people vs larry flynt where they actually showed his life and all....a 2 hour plus documentary can get a little borin......also, since it'z titled tupac ressurrection, after they had like an actual "live" movie about his life, in the credits, they should leave the name blank for the actor who played as pac......this will lead viewers to start thinkin again, they never mentioned credits, could it have been pac who was in it and people would have doubts again
that'z how i'd have done it i dunno about y'allz though