Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating GAME...I just don't think it's necessary to sell bullshit, that's aimed at his record label, not him. if he's 26, they need to market him like that...if he's a gangsta, he needs to be marketed like that. But they need not fabricate that image, because it does Game and The entire west coast No good...
Last person to fabricate image in this sense was Vanilla Ice, look where it got him. I'm glad GAME got signed, and I'm glad he's reppin the west to put it back on top...just not happy with the way Dre and them are handling him, I don't want them to try to turn him into a puppet!!
More power to Game though, I like dudes shit...they interviewed him on MTV and he seems to be about his, I just pray that the people backing him don't try to turn him into a mainstream pop artist!!