not bad. some nice ideas there. i like it. but as far as constructive criticism... the main synth needs to be sequenced better. it's now a bit choppy in the wrong way... either smoothen it out by programming or make it more choppy, intentionally choppy
also, if it was "mixed" better it would have more appeal. and what's with the snare... at first i thought it was out of phase .... there's something weird goin on there
good work tho. i could definately see tech or someone with a similar style rappin on this.
edit: about the main synth... i think i was wrong... but you should somehow "seperate" the actual "melody" and then the chord accents that are almost the same sound as the melody (maybe even the same patch) it's those chord accents that make it sound un-pro... not that they're wrong just have to have them serve their function right