I know I think Zshare has been fucking up lately on certain shit. But if you haven't heard the entire thing, I think you need to, different elements come in. I noticed that on some other guys link that he posted in the Producers thread. Just download it.
BTW, what do you mean that you can't hear the bassline and Piano now? Whatever, I guess it is repetive, but ain't most hiphop repetive? I mean it ain't jazz. Most hiphop is loops anyways, turning them off and on to create a bit of change and introducing a new element here and there. I think I added enough though (I don't want to create a fucking orchestra, lol), if you can tell as the track plays on, I build it up by introducing new sounds.
Listen to that beat #4 in that list of my beats I just posted above. Now that shit is repetive. But I like it cuz it's oldschool. haha