aNy1 have thi$? I ju$t dowNloaded it ye$terday N it$ pretty $icc, it let$ U BURN DVD$ N override the lock oN aNy DVD to be able to burN the movie, it come$ with a deceNt RECORDING program, aNother program to make your owN miXXe$ N beatz, al$O a program that work$ $imiliar to PHOTO$HOP but ea$ier to u$e, it ha$ a CD laber/DVD labeler program, N a buNch of other thiNg$ that aRe u$eful, peep it if U R iNtere$ted, $houldNt B hard to fiNd, i d k how loNg it$ beeN arouNd but to ME it$ NEW N im ju$t $hariNg thi$ to $ee if it might help $omeoNe, al$o caN aNy1 hook up a KEY GENERATOR for NERO 7?? it would Be much appreciated, 1 NortherN Luv....
.KAO$ De W$MG Record$::
.KAO$ De W$MG Record$::