when i get home from work im feening for an 8 ball i got crack on my mind im hearing cocaine call tellin me to beep the dealer to deliver me stuff keep it a secret from my wife cuz she tinks i dont use drugs there i was bleeding from my nose and damn i couldnt breath but im still thinkin about the next gram its friday night im not trying to leave my crib dude ill kill my self while the dealers eating japanese food i aint got no prob with buying the shit im lying to myself tellin the runner im trying to quit its all make believe i pretend that im true and when you give me credit ill dodge you every chance that i get to even if its good ill sniff it up in minute beep you back and complain that you put to much cut in it if you fall for that and bring me a new sack ill be making more crazy faces than jim carry on crack cuz yo im ripped i owe you loot plus i annoy i deserve to be murdered but the coke is doing it for you i got nerve can you put them pills on my bill yo i can tell we are friends and we dont even chill i need drugs baking soda cocaine how sweet i need to find me a crack pipe and im complete got these crack dealers chasing me through the cement jungle cuz they gave me shit to sell but you i smoked the whole bundle yo i cant front i got dope in my spleen and im tellin everyone at this NA meeting im 30 and clean i wont die even with tuburculosis i can go on forever mixing coke with my methodone dosage you can find me at brighten beach or coney island or rykers island my crack pipes my violin i play along with the police syrens my eyes squint looking for crack on the floor picking up bread crumbs and lint i dont know who i am ask me i couldnt say i took a chance and tyed to get clean and it lasted one day tryed to go to rehab too but couldnt get admitted and if money is missing from your pocket book you know who did it i need drugs as a young teen i started with marijuana then graduated to coke cuz i needed something stronger mesciline dust downers injections sensation i love to experience a patients medication ill smoke the drugs off the back of my hand all i need is a hit of it and ill create a new dance protect your self baby cover yourself up my body swings all over once my seizue erupts into a frenzy on the phone i got 30 sak but when we meet face to face i got 10 dollars less made up my mind im quiting im swearing in tears im no gonna get high ill only drink beers cant sit and wait for my dealer to come provide it got a party to go to and im the only one invited ill search your whole house for that damn white mouse and when i finally find it yo ill sniff the whole ounce i need drugs
dealer listen to me when i come home from work feening for an 8 ball nose candy on my mind ive come to realize you need me and if you want me to keep copping give me a free piece its my birthday yesterday anyway im gonna go sniff this ill beep you in an hour i hate you
dealer listen to me when i come home from work feening for an 8 ball nose candy on my mind ive come to realize you need me and if you want me to keep copping give me a free piece its my birthday yesterday anyway im gonna go sniff this ill beep you in an hour i hate you