Nearly 1 in 5 female Air Force Academy cadets have been sexually assaulted

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Jul 24, 2002
Survey: Air Force Sex Assaults Widespread
By ROBERT GEHRKE, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - Nearly one in five female Air Force Academy cadets said they had been sexually assaulted during their time at the academy, according to a survey underscoring the extent of the problem at the scandal-plagued school.

Although the results of the Defense Department survey are preliminary, Air Force and academy officials acknowledged the severity of the issues of culture and climate that led to the sex assault scandal.

"I've seen the numbers, and we have a problem," Brig. Gen. Johnny Weida, commandant of cadets, told a reporter after a stern address to 4,000 cadets at the academy near Colorado Springs.

In his speech, Weida acknowledged that misconduct had tarnished the academy's reputation and said: "If you think this problem has been blown out of proportion by the media, you are wrong."

The survey is part of an inquiry by Pentagon Inspector General Joseph E. Schmitz into how academy leadership handled allegations from female cadets who said they were reprimanded after they reported being sexually assaulted.

A department official who had read the report, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the survey done this year showed that 109 of the 579 female cadets surveyed, or 18.8 percent, said they had been sexually assaulted in their time at the academy. Sexual assault was defined as anything from unwanted touching to rape.

In 89 percent of the cases, the alleged assailant was identified as another cadet.

The survey also said that 11 percent of senior female cadets and 3 percent of freshman female cadets reported having been the victim of rape or attempted rape since enrolling at the academy.

"In terms of that rape number, if that is true, that's a very disturbing number," said Sean Conway, chief of staff for Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo., who has pressed the Air Force to address the issue.

In a statement, Air Force officials said the survey was consistent with the data compiled through an internal review and supports the sweeping changes implemented by Air Force Secretary James Roche this year.

Annual academy surveys conducted from 1996 to 2002 — with the exception of 1999 — indicated between 11 percent and 19 percent of female cadets reported having been sexually assaulted since enrolling at the academy.

Roche played down the validity of those results since the surveys were not scientifically conducted but said they should have raised red flags for academy leaders. He has demanded regular reports and the use of surveys to monitor the effectiveness of the changes.

"We will chart a fundamentally different course for the academy," the Air Force said in a statement Thursday. "And most importantly, we are going to closely monitor our progress as we move forward."

During his 20-minute speech to cadets Thursday, Weida brandished a sword, saying the actions of some cadets had tarnished the longtime symbol of the noble warrior.

"Some among us have rusted this sword," he said. "If we don't reverse this trend, the very existence of this institution is threatened," he said.

The survey results were first reported by The Rocky Mountain News in Denver.

A second survey was administered to cadets on Wednesday and a third is expected this fall. The upcoming survey will also be given to cadets at the U.S. Naval Academy and the U.S. Military Academy at West Point to compare the climate at the three academies, Weida said.

The inspector general's report containing the survey results is expected to be released in December.

In light of the Catholic churches pedaphilia scandal you wonder why the media hasn't been covering what our "heros" are doing.
This is only the tip of the ice berg, these sick fucks go out and rape women at what ever country they are stationed at.
It's not only the Air Force, it's the Navy and Army....

This shit is getting way out of hand, yet the media barely covers it.... Hmmmmm.... Don't wanna give our boys a bad rep eh?
What ever happenned to good old American "fair and ballanced" news????

But we should've known better, what kind of sane person would volunteer to kill people in the first place????
Fuck heads....
Mar 18, 2003
What the fuck?! Who call's those type of people HEROES?!? I call the men that join the services to fight for our country HEROES, not those who sexually assault women. Your waisting your time with this one...


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
it just goes to show you what type of people are "fighting for our freedom"...the same type of ppl who raped and killed women and children during vietnam.
Jul 24, 2002
askG said:
it just goes to show you what type of people are "fighting for our freedom"...the same type of ppl who raped and killed women and children during vietnam.
Not to mention what they did when they invaded Panama.
It was like when Iraq invaded Kuwait, kill all the men, rape the women, and then kill them too....
3,000 civilians were murdered, but the media only reported 2 or 300 hundred....
Don't think so? Go visit the newly uncovered massive grave sites down there....

I am ashamed that these monsters represent our country....

Oh and on a personal note and with due all respect,
that picture's kinda gay LOL!
Mar 18, 2003
miggidy said:
1 in 5 women!
Did you miss that????

What does that tell you?
That tells me that, allegedly, 1 in 5 females are sexually assaulted. Your blaming the the entire Air Force for what a SMALL amount of worthless soldiers did to other female officers. If there is one molesting preist, should we assume that all priests in this country are molesting humans. If he decided a life of molestation, does that mean that every other priest in this country should not get the recognition they deserve. If one PUSSY soldier decides he wants to assault another female soldier, does this mean we should not recognize the LARGE MAJORITY of soldiers that are not doing this, rather obiding by the rules and doing their job? Should we strip every soldier of being a HERO because of what few soldiers ALLEGEDLY did to fellow female officers?

miggidy said:
No, that is not what we call a HERO.

miggidy: Did you know that, sexual assault includes VERBAL communication towards another person? It is quite possible, and not at all uncommon, for a female to file SEXUAL ASSAULT charges upon a man, who NEVER TOUCHED HER. Pinching a girls ass... sexual assault. Rubbing her shoulders... sexual assault. It's all in how the female takes the gesture, and how the prosecutor feels it should be classified.

askG said:
it just goes to show you what type of people are "fighting for our freedom"...the same type of ppl who raped and killed women and children during vietnam.
Really. So these people of today, who WANTED and WILLINGLY signed up to fight (some for college, some for money, some with nothing left) for their country, are the "SAME" as those who were DRAFTED AGAINST THEIR OWN WILL, and SENT TO DIE in a country fighting something they knew nothing about?

Anyone remember the movie with Samuel L. Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones about VietNam? Towards the end, he asked the prosecutor if he knew the life expectancy of a man dropped into combat in VietNam, does anyone remember the answer to the question? I think it was around 5 minutes. The average man going into combat died in that amount of time... how can you hold them accountable for anything with this state of mind? THINK ABOUT IT, look past the surface and dig through the roots or you will forever be "BLIND".

Is there anything you guys won't say to discredit this great country? I see some cats on this board who believe in what they talk about. They are real about it, and believe in only what they know. I can converse with these people without a problem. It is people like (some of those in this thread) who have let this "Fuck America" mentality go to far, now they know nothing but to shit-talk the United States for ANY possible reason.

You guys need to think about what you say before you say it. All the effort you put into the numerous threads about your honest beliefs towards this country, can be shot down by one idiotic thread revealing yourself to be someone who, doesn't talk shit on the U.S. because it's how your beliefs, rather degrade this great nation just for the FUN of it.

You people are like wondows.

Now you can say these same things about me, but it will only strengthin my beliefs on what I just said.
May 8, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
miggidy: Did you know that, sexual assault includes VERBAL communication towards another person? It is quite possible, and not at all uncommon, for a female to file SEXUAL ASSAULT charges upon a man, who NEVER TOUCHED HER. Pinching a girls ass... sexual assault. Rubbing her shoulders... sexual assault. It's all in how the female takes the gesture, and how the prosecutor feels it should be classified.
The findings come from a Defense Department (search) survey considered to be preliminary. A department official who had read the results, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the questionnaire administered this year showed that 109 of the 579 female cadets surveyed, or 18.8 percent, said they had been sexually assaulted in their time at the academy. Sexual assault was defined as anything from unwanted touching to rape.
Sexual assault was defined as anything from unwanted touching to rape.
Jul 24, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
That tells me that, allegedly, 1 in 5 females are sexually assaulted. Your blaming the the entire Air Force for what a SMALL amount of worthless soldiers did to other female officers. If there is one molesting preist, should we assume that all priests in this country are molesting humans. If he decided a life of molestation, does that mean that every other priest in this country should not get the recognition they deserve. If one PUSSY soldier decides he wants to assault another female soldier, does this mean we should not recognize the LARGE MAJORITY of soldiers that are not doing this, rather obiding by the rules and doing their job? Should we strip every soldier of being a HERO because of what few soldiers ALLEGEDLY did to fellow female officers?
Isn't that what everyone assumes from every priest????

1 in every 5 women assaulted is a very high ratio!
That is telling you that a large percentage of the Air Force soldiers:
1) Assaulted a women
2) Participated in the assualt
3) Witnessed the assualt and said nothing
4) There's a code of silence....

That's the message I'm tryin to get across....

Nitro the Guru said:

miggidy: Did you know that, sexual assault includes VERBAL communication towards another person? It is quite possible, and not at all uncommon, for a female to file SEXUAL ASSAULT charges upon a man, who NEVER TOUCHED HER. Pinching a girls ass... sexual assault. Rubbing her shoulders... sexual assault. It's all in how the female takes the gesture, and how the prosecutor feels it should be classified.
Tell that to a judge and watch him throw you in jail!
Assault is exactly that!
Verbal is sexual harrasment.....

Nitro the Guru said:

Really. So these people of today, who WANTED and WILLINGLY signed up to fight (some for college, some for money, some with nothing left) for their country, are the "SAME" as those who were DRAFTED AGAINST THEIR OWN WILL, and SENT TO DIE in a country fighting something they knew nothing about?
Who was drafted????

Do you consider fire fighters to be heroes?

The only war in history that has ever been worth fighting for was WWII....
Those people who gave their lives to stop Nazi Germany are true heroes. Everyone else before and after are evil....

Nitro the Guru said:

Anyone remember the movie with Samuel L. Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones about VietNam? Towards the end, he asked the prosecutor if he knew the life expectancy of a man dropped into combat in VietNam, does anyone remember the answer to the question? I think it was around 5 minutes. The average man going into combat died in that amount of time... how can you hold them accountable for anything with this state of mind? THINK ABOUT IT, look past the surface and dig through the roots or you will forever be "BLIND".
You calling me blind is like Webster calling me short!
Look at your analogy here, why should the people who fought in Vietnam be considered heroes????
There was absolutely no fucking reason to be in Vietnam in the first place!
Think about that for a few minutes, let it marinate in your mind....

Nitro the Guru said:

Is there anything you guys won't say to discredit this great country? I see some cats on this board who believe in what they talk about. They are real about it, and believe in only what they know. I can converse with these people without a problem. It is people like (some of those in this thread) who have let this "Fuck America" mentality go to far, now they know nothing but to shit-talk the United States for ANY possible reason.
No one is saying fuck the U.S.
America is both North and South, don't know what gives muthafuckas the right to label themselves American and not include the Mexicans, Canadians, Nicaraguan, Columbian etc....

I love this country, but not what our government has evolved into.
You know damn well if our founding fathers were here today they would revolt against the hostile take over of our capitol.
Don't think so????
Isn't that what they did to Great Brittain?
I love the people of this nation, but I believe over 80% of the population is asleep.
And you are one of them....

Nitro the Guru said:

You guys need to think about what you say before you say it. All the effort you put into the numerous threads about your honest beliefs towards this country, can be shot down by one idiotic thread revealing yourself to be someone who, doesn't talk shit on the U.S. because it's how your beliefs, rather degrade this great nation just for the FUN of it.
Here we go again, you're telling me????
Look before you leap and get your facts straight before you shoot from the hip.

Nitro the Guru said:

You people are like wondows.

Now you can say these same things about me, but it will only strengthin my beliefs on what I just said.
You can never talk a rock out of being a rock....
Mar 18, 2003
miggidy said:
Isn't that what everyone assumes from every priest????
Im not asking WHAT IS, im asking WHAT SHOULD BE.

miggidy said:
1 in every 5 women assaulted is a very high ratio!
That is telling you that a large percentage of the Air Force soldiers:
1) Assaulted a women
2) Participated in the assualt
3) Witnessed the assualt and said nothing
4) There's a code of silence....

That's the message I'm tryin to get across....
Large percentage? Show me the percentage of MALE soldiers assaulting females. Large? Try MINISCULE.

miggidy said:
Tell that to a judge and watch him throw you in jail!
Assault is exactly that!
Verbal is sexual harrasment.....
There you go again, talking out of your ass. Your speaking on what you thought you knew, while im speaking on what my college professor teaches the class, as well as what is THE LAW. Sexual Assault DOES NOT REQUIRE ANYTHING PHYSICAL. If you induce FEAR, SHAME or any kind of EMOTIONAL DISTRESS whether that be by TOUCHING or TALKING then that is ASSAULT. Im telling you the law, not my opinion, that is the difference here.


If you swing at someone, thats assault, if you make contact, thats battery. If you still don't understand, ill grab a fucking webster defenition.

What did you think the difference between "Assault" and "Assault & Battery" was?

Sexual Assault can contain something PHYSICAL, but, like I said before, also ranges to VERBAL ATTACKS.

miggidy said:
Who was drafted????

miggidy said:
Do you consider fire fighters to be heroes?
More so than those that fight for this country.

miggidy said:
Look at your analogy here, why should the people who fought in Vietnam be considered heroes????
They shouldn't. Did I say that? Oh wait... I forgot, your blind. They should not be considered heroes, I said nothing of the sort (although im wondering why you said I did). I did however, explain the circumstance surrounding that war to help you understand that none of these people were in thier right state of mind, so much of what they do should not be blamed on them, blame the Government.

miggidy said:
There was absolutely no fucking reason to be in Vietnam in the first place!
Think about that for a few minutes, let it marinate in your mind....
WTF? When did I say that VietNam was a good thing? Or that we should have gone in there... are you in the right thread?

miggidy said:
No one is saying fuck the U.S.
America is both North and South, don't know what gives muthafuckas the right to label themselves American and not include the Mexicans, Canadians, Nicaraguan, Columbian etc....
The term is not nationality specific. No one said it was.

miggidy said:
Look before you leap and get your facts straight before you shoot from the hip.
Half of what you replied to me with I never said. The other half was you arguing PURE FACTS. I even provided a defenition (in my own words) of sexual assault from the books, and you still argued it. You told me VietNam vet's were not heroes, I never said they were. Your telling me other nationalities should not be left out of the term "American", I never said they should be. You say a large percentage of Male soldiers assault females, provide that percentage.

miggidy said:
By the way, can I have my shoe back????
Of course, I don't know why you threw that crumby thing at me in the first place.
Jul 24, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
Im not asking WHAT IS, im asking WHAT SHOULD BE.

Nitro the Guru said:

Large percentage? Show me the percentage of MALE soldiers assaulting females. Large? Try MINISCULE.
Why miniscule?

Nitro the Guru said:

There you go again, talking out of your ass. Your speaking on what you thought you knew, while im speaking on what my college professor teaches the class, as well as what is THE LAW. Sexual Assault DOES NOT REQUIRE ANYTHING PHYSICAL. If you induce FEAR, SHAME or any kind of EMOTIONAL DISTRESS whether that be by TOUCHING or TALKING then that is ASSAULT. Im telling you the law, not my opinion, that is the difference here.
Maybe you speak for yourself, but my speach comes from the vibration turned into sound waves created in my vocal cords as my tongue and lips create different tones, then the sound comes out my mouth and then those sound waves are picked up by your ear drums as vibrations, that information is sent to your brain as electricity through your nervous system.

I've never heard of an asshole with such ability.
Maybe you're the closest to that possibility.

Nitro the Guru said:


If you swing at someone, thats assault, if you make contact, thats battery. If you still don't understand, ill grab a fucking webster defenition.

What did you think the difference between "Assault" and "Assault & Battery" was?

Sexual Assault can contain something PHYSICAL, but, like I said before, also ranges to VERBAL ATTACKS.
1 a : a violent physical or verbal attack b : a military attack usually involving direct combat with enemy forces c : a concerted effort (as to reach a goal or defeat an adversary)
2 a : a threat or attempt to inflict offensive physical contact or bodily harm on a person (as by lifting a fist in a threatening manner) that puts the person in immediate danger of or in apprehension of such harm or contact.

Now tell me that there isn't a difference between, "Hello mam"
and "Hello mam, how about you let me get a piece of that ham?".

Nitro the Guru said:

What are you talkin about? There hasn't been a draft since Vietnam....

Nitro the Guru said:

More so than those that fight for this country.
Bullshit! There's no such thing as paid heroes....

Nitro the Guru said:

They shouldn't. Did I say that? Oh wait... I forgot, your blind. They should not be considered heroes, I said nothing of the sort (although im wondering why you said I did). I did however, explain the circumstance surrounding that war to help you understand that none of these people were in thier right state of mind, so much of what they do should not be blamed on them, blame the Government.
You just considered fire fighters to be heroes and you previously said that people who fight for our country are heroes.
Doesn't that include your Nam vets?

If I were blind, we wouldn't be havin this conversation.

Nitro the Guru said:

WTF? When did I say that VietNam was a good thing? Or that we should have gone in there... are you in the right thread?
Come on now, let me slow it down for you.
You claimed that our soldiers are heroes.
None of these fuckers fought against Nazi Germany.
They are ignorant "evil".....

Nitro the Guru said:

The term is not nationality specific. No one said it was.
You did with your actions.

Nitro the Guru said:

Half of what you replied to me with I never said. The other half was you arguing PURE FACTS. I even provided a defenition (in my own words) of sexual assault from the books, and you still argued it. You told me VietNam vet's were not heroes, I never said they were. Your telling me other nationalities should not be left out of the term "American", I never said they should be. You say a large percentage of Male soldiers assault females, provide that percentage.
Of coarse you feel that way because you do not look at what you say from it's roots.
You implied that those who die for their country are heroes.
And you implied that people who are born in the US are Americans.

I am not singling you out because everyone does that.
People need to understand what they say....

Nitro the Guru said:

Of course, I don't know why you threw that crumby thing at me in the first place.
LOL! I didn't throw it at you. I kicked you with it and lost it....
Mar 18, 2003
miggidy said:
Maybe you speak for yourself, but my speach comes from the vibration turned into sound waves created in my vocal cords as my tongue and lips create different tones, then the sound comes out my mouth and then those sound waves are picked up by your ear drums as vibrations, that information is sent to your brain as electricity through your nervous system.

I've never heard of an asshole with such ability.
Maybe you're the closest to that possibility.
Does the same not apply when you fart?
Do you ever fart?

miggidy said:
1 a : a violent physical or verbal attack b : a military attack usually involving direct combat with enemy forces c : a concerted effort (as to reach a goal or defeat an adversary)
2 a : a threat or attempt to inflict offensive physical contact or bodily harm on a person (as by lifting a fist in a threatening manner) that puts the person in immediate danger of or in apprehension of such harm or contact.

Now tell me that there isn't a difference between, "Hello mam"
and "Hello mam, how about you let me get a piece of that ham?".
There is a HUGE difference. Im not telling you that you can get sexual assault charges for talking to a girl. Im saying that you get pick up a sexual assault charge through a VERBAL exchange of words. You said "VERBAL" is sexual harassment, im telling you that's not always the case.

If I tell a girl I want her to ride my shit, she gets pissed and tells on me. I sexually harassed her.

If I tell a girl I want her to ride my shit, she becomes afraid and fearful of her well being because of that statement, then I sexually assaulted her.

miggidy said:
What are you talkin about? There hasn't been a draft since Vietnam....
That is the only draft I am refering to.

miggidy said:
Bullshit! There's no such thing as paid heroes....
Sure there is. One can't live in the streets eating scraps, working as a fireman for free, just to be a hero. Money is not the issue, its bravery. If that fireman will risk his life to save another, he is a hero in my book.

miggidy said:
You just considered fire fighters to be heroes and you previously said that people who fight for our country are heroes.
Doesn't that include your Nam vets?
Your right. I should have been more specific. I think a man enlisting into the military for the sole purpose of fighting for his family, friends, and his country, is a hero.

miggidy said:
You implied that those who die for their country are heroes.
And you implied that people who are born in the US are Americans.
Both are pretty accurate.
Jul 24, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
Does the same not apply when you fart?
Do you ever fart?
Again, you speak for yourself. Assholes don't have lips, tongue, and vocal chords.

Maybe you feel your asshole speaks because you have pussy lips nearby.

Nitro the Guru said:

There is a HUGE difference. Im not telling you that you can get sexual assault charges for talking to a girl. Im saying that you get pick up a sexual assault charge through a VERBAL exchange of words. You said "VERBAL" is sexual harassment, im telling you that's not always the case.

If I tell a girl I want her to ride my shit, she gets pissed and tells on me. I sexually harassed her.

If I tell a girl I want her to ride my shit, she becomes afraid and fearful of her well being because of that statement, then I sexually assaulted her.
The difference is only in the words.
Point is, you're tryin to get some....

Nitro the Guru said:

That is the only draft I am refering to.

Nitro the Guru said:

Sure there is. One can't live in the streets eating scraps, working as a fireman for free, just to be a hero. Money is not the issue, its bravery. If that fireman will risk his life to save another, he is a hero in my book.
A professional hero?
Come on now....

Nitro the Guru said:

Your right. I should have been more specific. I think a man enlisting into the military for the sole purpose of fighting for his family, friends, and his country, is a hero.
Good, I agree with him fighting for his family and friends. Don't know about the country though, politicians create wars, but civilians die in them.

For the record, this thread was aimed at those who call their troops heroes. Just for fucking joining their armed forces.
Specially the media who loves to cover the Catholic church's sex scandal, but keep this shit on the hush hush....
That is my problem here.....

Nitro the Guru said:

Both are pretty accurate.
Well then, that is how I reached my conclusions....
Mar 18, 2003
miggidy said:
Again, you speak for yourself. Assholes don't have lips, tongue, and vocal chords.
These talking toys you see in the store... do they talk with their lips and vocal chords? (what the fuck are we talking about).

miggidy said:
Maybe you feel your asshole speaks because you have pussy lips nearby. LOL!
I knew you were the kind of nerd that laughed at their own jokes.

miggidy said:
The difference is only in the words.
Point is, you're tryin to get some....
Men tryin' to get some... the nerve I tell ya. We should lock them all up.

miggidy said:
A professional hero?
Come on now....
he·ro ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hîr)
n. pl. he·roes
In mythology and legend, a man, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his bold exploits, and favored by the gods.
A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life: soldiers and nurses who were heroes in an unpopular war.
A person noted for special achievement in a particular field: the heroes of medicine. See Synonyms at celebrity.

The word hero can be defined in two ways.

1. By the defenitions you see above you, which say NOTHING about money.

2. How you yourself define the word. I don't think money is a factor. It's courage and bravery, it's so much more.

If you think a hero CANNOT receive any compensation for his duties, then that is your belief, im not going to tell you that your wrong. You said you agreed that an military man fighting for his friends and family is a hero, does he not get paid?

miggidy said:
Don't know about the country though, politicians create wars, but civilians die in them.
Some people (like you) believe that fighting for your country means fighting for the people who control it. Other people (like a soldier) might believe that fighting for his country means fighting for the people that make up this nation. Again, these are opinions and beliefs, there is no right and wrong.

miggidy said:
For the record, this thread was aimed at those who call their troops heroes. Just for fucking joining their armed forces.
If someone joined the forces to get paid or because they were bums, I agree they are not heroes for joining. However, during a time of war, I believe a man who enlists knowing he is going straight to the battle grounds, might be a hero just for fucking joining the armed forces.