regardless of all this talk yall talking, this system is jacked and its gonna be exposed for the first time this year...........not that I think all 3 of those teams deserve to go but all can make somewhat of a case under the CURRENT system. I'm not saying they all have a legitatamate case because I believe any team that gets beat bad as OU did shouldnt deserve to play for the title. Whoever out of LSU, USC and OU doesnt play in the title game, the BCS people are going to be praying they loss because if they dont, its gonna be major controversy at the end of the year, I think it would be the most controversy with USC if they get left out and OU would have the least amount of controversy if they got left out because of their horrible loss....I had just read an article about the shit, didnt really watch much of the commentary last night and watch shocked to see them say they projected OU and LSU to be 1 and 2....I just cant see how that is the case, I can see how LSU could jump USC, I had been thinking that for a few weeks like im sure you guys have seen me mention, but for USC not to of jumped OU is a dumb.
I know alot of yall are USC fans but this might be a perfect year to help end the BCS when it comes up for contract again, if USC goes to the Rose bowl and wins and LSU or OU wins the title game which one of them will have to if they play for it, there will be a feeling across the nation that the system didnt work this time and hopefully that will be enough for them to totally scrap it or do a major reconstruction of it