National Security Hightened

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Is this "hightened security alert" a scheme?

  • Yes, we are heading to New Word Order

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • No, I think it's fair that we need to be cautious of being attacked by terrorists

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I think social communism rocks!

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I am unsure,and scared for our future

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
Jul 6, 2002
So the powers that g are claiming that Al queda cells in the US are planning attacks on places that have little or no security... places like parkinglots and apartment buildings....

Are you buying this, or has Amerikkka constructed a means of causing mass hysteria to the public by announcing that we are more at risk of being attacked by "terrorsits"?

Who else besides me is anticipating living under marshal law 24-7 where all citizens will have a curfew, like the folx in the prahjix, based on certain times when you can be outside and barred from being on the streets at others?

Amerryklanz, we are heading toward social communism, slowly but surely...the signs detecting that it will be so are clearly visible...

1) We live in a police state

2) Police powers are outrageous (How many police do you know that sell dope, are bought off by gangs/mafia to protect their intersts, or get away with cold blooded murder and are aquitted?)

3) Your goverment is gradually stripping away our constitutional rights and freedoms, in the name of national security...

4) Technological advances are making it possible to have everyone under surveilence with personal data file that will be compiled on computers (Thanx Big BRO & TIA!)

5) Next they will coerce you into getting certain kinds of "identification" cards (Can they be in the form of a microchip? Sure they can!!! It only a 5 minute minor surgical process that only takes a small incision.. )

Basically, your goverment is connecting the dots, leading all you blind fools into an unescapable pitfall where your eternal souls will be lost forever for conforming to the bogus statndars your politrickanz are passing and your president is signing into so called "law"...

I cant wait until we go to war with IRACK and are on "red" alert.... I will be happy then!

May 6, 2002
FoeTwin said:

1) We live in a police state

2) Police powers are outrageous (How many police do you know that sell dope, are bought off by gangs/mafia to protect their intersts, or get away with cold blooded murder and are aquitted?)

3) Your goverment is gradually stripping away our constitutional rights and freedoms, in the name of national security...

4) Technological advances are making it possible to have everyone under surveilence with personal data file that will be compiled on computers (Thanx Big BRO & TIA!)

5) Next they will coerce you into getting certain kinds of "identification" cards (Can they be in the form of a microchip? Sure they can!!! It only a 5 minute minor surgical process that only takes a small incision.. )

Basically, your goverment is connecting the dots, leading all you blind fools into an unescapable pitfall where your eternal souls will be lost forever for conforming to the bogus statndars your politrickanz are passing and your president is signing into so called "law"...

I cant wait until we go to war with IRACK and are on "red" alert.... I will be happy then!

You hit the nail on the head especially the police state comment. My pops is always tellin me that shit. Like when I caught this case in 2001 and I kept telling my pops i was innocent and didnt even have a clue what they was talking about all he said was "Son we live in a police state, they say you did it then thats all they need to put your ass away for the rest of your life now take the deal and come home in 1 year" Black people in this country have never had ANY rights and now the government is doing to the white folks what weve been going thru. America will self destruct in my lifetime.
May 12, 2002
Nice pics. Specially the graffittti.... only on theat i dont get how they burn the flag, but have an electric guitar?!?!?!?

And also i am not getting any kind of chip. Ill take it out if im made to get one.
Jul 6, 2002

looks like the flag was added ontop of and between some tags that were already the guitar may have beent here previous to the anti amerrycon peice
Jul 6, 2002
So I read somewhere a few days ago the "heightened alert" was a sham...What do y'all think? I also read that the president said to buy some plastic and duct tape just in case we get hit with a biological weapon and have to secure a room with that has non infected air....Are you guys buying this crap or what?!
May 8, 2002
I picked unsure. I dont know what is going to happen. Right now anything can happen we have a bunch of retards in power all over the world who are stupid and crazy enough to do anything. I dont feel safe. And a big part of it is our constitutional rights being stripped away, a big part of it is our president wanting to go to war, and a big part of it is other countries who dont like us. If someone takes us on who doesnt like us tons of people will jump and take us on at the same time, thats people in this country and out of this country. Theres some fucked up shit going on right now, and a fucking war isnt going to stop it its just going to make it worse.
Jul 24, 2002
if your scarred they (the government) will own you.
Whatever happens Im ready to fight, NO ONE IS GOING TO force me to do anything!


Sicc OG
Oct 4, 2002
The world is crazy. No way will there ever be peace. It doesn't matter what the terror alert level is we all know there will be another attack on our nation. its just a matter of time be4 it happens.
Jul 6, 2002

Your government elevated the terror alert to the red bar, or the "SEVERE" level for a potential attack....

Are you all buying this script?
Jul 6, 2002
How many of you already have your post war terror attack survival kits all ready prepared????

Did you remember to include your bottled water, duct tape, plastic tarp, flashlight and radio, extra batteries, ect...... ?

Our country is at war with us, yes everyday law abiding civilians like you an me, and the Establishment is trying to force a forfiet on our behalf by subtley beating us into submission with laws that deteriorate our freedoms. Will you give in, or die for the ideals this country was founded on, like the natural freedoms to pursue happiness, liberty, justice, equality, and the right to bear arms?

Don't let these congressional misrepresentatives fuck over our freedoms man.... This is a war on SKAIRERRIZM...