My thoughts on the "war on terror"

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Sep 4, 2003
Today I realized the sheer brutality of the enemy that we face in Iraq and in the Middle East in general. The slaughtering of Nick Berg was a true atrocity. He was a 26 year old man, an independent contractor who went to Iraq on his own will to help rebuild its broken infrastructure. He was innocent, a civilian, just a human being. The war on terror is truly not a war on terror but instead a war we must fight to maintain Western ideals. Muslims and the leaders of their savage nations have expressed little or no interest in changing to meet the proper and just standards of western civilization and civilized culture in general. Hiding behind a false religion bent on world domination, Muslim extremists will do anything possible to defeat Christianity and destroy western culture. As Americans and as civilized individuals, we must rise to the challenge and protect our freedoms and our nation for our children and our children's children. We must rise to the occasion as many heroes have done in the past and do what ever it takes to defend our nation and its people and behead the Islamic extremist serpent. The choice will become ours, stand up to the beast or allow our heritage and culture to be assaulted and maimed. The storm is beginning to brew and soon the day will dawn when we must rise up in civilized brotherhood and fight till the death in what will become the greatest and most important crusade in history.
God Bless America and Western Civilization!!!


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
how do you know he was an independent contractor? did you look up his files? dude was probably there to kill mu fuckas....i heard he was a mercenary, dunno if it's true, but WHO FUCKING CARES. Our country has killed 10,000+ Iraqis, so what the fuck is a few more Americans? Bush is the one killing all the Americans, its HIS fault. If anyone should be blaimed for all this bullshit that's been happening it IS BUSH! NOT the Iraqis or anyone else.
May 13, 2002
"This headless american was a fucking idiot! He had no business in Iraq. He was not a soldier, he was not a mercenary, he was not rebuilding iraq! Iraqi police arrested the guy a few months ago, the FBI even got involved and somehow managed to get him off the hook. Everyone told him to leave, and the dumb ass stayed! What was he doing there? Either he worked for the government doing some real “dirty” work, or he was one of the most unintelligent Americans of all time. They should put his head on a stick for display."

Question: If Berg was detained by US officials how did he get into the hands of 'Al Qaeda'? This thing is starting to smell funny.- Alex Jones
He's released by the US military and falls into the hands of Al Qaeda the very next day. Hmm! -Suspcious