this happened back in may and i had jus got home from school i looked in my momz room and though she was sleep she was layin down in her bed.
my grandma called from tha hospital to tell us my uncle jus had been diagnosed wit diabetis, she asked to speak wit my momz i sed she was sleep, so i told her to call back but i fugured since it was her brother i'd go ahead and wake her up i touched her...
she was soo fuckin cold... i knew right then and there her ass was dead cuz tha house was hot than a muthafucka. i went woke up my older brother and called 911 but tha look on her face jus fucked me up for lfe when i tried to turn her over. she O.D.'d on methadone and crack....
shit pisses me off every day..
anyone had a similar experince?
my grandma called from tha hospital to tell us my uncle jus had been diagnosed wit diabetis, she asked to speak wit my momz i sed she was sleep, so i told her to call back but i fugured since it was her brother i'd go ahead and wake her up i touched her...
she was soo fuckin cold... i knew right then and there her ass was dead cuz tha house was hot than a muthafucka. i went woke up my older brother and called 911 but tha look on her face jus fucked me up for lfe when i tried to turn her over. she O.D.'d on methadone and crack....
shit pisses me off every day..
anyone had a similar experince?