My lunchbreak adventures: Part II

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Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
So yesterday I met the crazy lady.

Today some girl came up and saw me smokin. Asked me for a cigarette. Sat down next to me. Asked me my name. She said I wasn't too talkative and I told her I was stoned and didnt' like strangers. So we end up talking and we both took Spanish minors in college. So she starts telling me about her Mexican friend:

This guy is a Mexican illegal and had been doing landscaping for some guy that lives in the area, and he hadn't paid this guy or anybody else for 3 weeks. So the Mexican is pretty cool about the whole thing, doesn't hound his boss or anything. So his boss tells all of the people he hasn't paid to come down to his house after work on Friday and he'd pay them for the past three weeks. So all these Mexicans show up at the guy's house, and the guy called immigration and all these cops were standing there waiting for these guys to take them and deport them back to Mexico.

Could be the most fucked up story I've heard in a looooong time.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
SHEA said:
the Amazing Racist:

he did the same thing.
this same guy,was afraid to come meet me and my friends at a party we invited him to, even with his boys to make it fair.. he was on this message board talking about how close he was to san diego and how he was gonna make a "road trip" to call our bluff but the more emails he started getting from some serious people the less his bravado the end of the emails (send to like 40 different people, his supporters and ours) he backed out.

basically we woulda fucked dude up and youtubed it. and he knew that, didnt wanna get his "amazing racist" card pulled,bieng in a real situation where peopole knew who he was... cuz i can get more racist than that, straight set that mutha fucka on fire light a blunt on the nigga and jump in the whip like peeeace.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
SHEA said:
LMAO.....I always wondered how a Jewish cat could be a racist anyway.

but thats fucking hillarious!
right...its that internet peek-a-boo, mutha fuckin gingerbread man "catch me if you can" shit..i noticed jewish people be tryna step they racism up as of late..

the internet is the biggest shield for bitches, ever..


Sicc OG
Feb 8, 2006
that's fucked up......but karma is a bitch.......hope does dudes come back and stomp on the guy that did them filthy........
Jun 23, 2003
them illiegals will remember his house, come back or have family torch it. Them wachos will pull some serious shit. The dude deserves it though.