no money should go to Israel or any other country,instead they should invest that on Education here,its a shame that the california school districts are allways getting half of their funds for after school programs/fieldtrips ,by bake sale financing .
you can blame that on the School Boards and School Administrators who have more than enough money to keep the schools going yet elect to propose and give each other raises.
Schools dont need 2 superintendents, a principle, 3 vice principles and a couple of assistant principles. not to mention athletic directors and other such titles that are now considered "administration" and average out wages at over $100,000 a year.
i still stand by what State Senator Tom McClintock proposed during his run for Governor. he proposed alooting $250,000 per classroom per year. and the school would have to show what the money was spent on.
for example $60,000 for the teacher
$50,000 on classroom supplies
$30,000 for school breakfast and lunches
and so on.
they need to start at the bottom and let the money work its way up instead of the other way around.