Im all late n shit
But that was a tight ass game. I fuckin flipped the channel after the first half. I gave up on em.
Dallas just got to confident and over relaxed thinking it was over. they fucked up.
but on the side note:
Van Exel fuckin wrecked shit (even tho he made one big turnover in the late fourth) I was hoping the ball didn't get in his hands the final couple of seconds in the fourth (it went to Walt Williams instead) He would of shwaqed that shit. I still think they shouldn't of waived him. He a good point gaurd, I'd rather have him than fisher anyday of the week.
But my fellow LA fans, theres a loooooooooong ass way to go. They still need to improve on their D, Their transition D was slow, still don't know how to gaurd thos pick n rolls. They should stick to man-to-man defence. When they play zone, they leave toooooo many shooters wide open, that fucked em up in the first half.
All im sayin is, one game dont mean shit (they should be playin like that everyday) they need to improve and start hustlin on the defensive end. Cuz thats what wins games