that scarub is dope...if you feeling scarub i would definitly cop it...and while you are at it,get that new CMA (the grouch and lucky) shit is dope as well,both real solid LL releases
as far as your question...there isnt much i dont listen to,i am probably open to more shit than most ppl on this board,i will listen to anything from the east,west,south,shit even the northeast(minnesota and conneticut) if its good i listen to it,i dont give a shit where you are from,not going to stop me from bumpin that shit,i could sit here and name artists all day(i will if you want me too) but just know the reason that i dont like cam isnt cause he is an east coast rapper and bullshit like that,i listen to hella east coast just not feeling him,just sounds like more of the same,nothing of his really stands out to me,he has good production and his tracks can be catchy and clever and all that,but i just get bored with it real fast