Much Respect To Griffin & The Darkxide Asxylum!! Richmond, CA Rappers On The Rise!
I just wanted to give my respect and say thanks to Griffin & all of the Darkxide Asxylum out of Richmond, CA for hookin the fans up with a bunch of cool shit! Today when I got home from work I found a package on my doorstep. So I took it inside to investigate. I opened the package and this is what I got...
Looks like a bunch of cool shit!
A signed letter from Griffin...
Sick Poster
Front of white tee
Rear of white tee
Black Tee
Condom, Sticker & Flyer
Thanks again Griffin! I look forward to your future projects! D A R K
I just wanted to give my respect and say thanks to Griffin & all of the Darkxide Asxylum out of Richmond, CA for hookin the fans up with a bunch of cool shit! Today when I got home from work I found a package on my doorstep. So I took it inside to investigate. I opened the package and this is what I got...
Looks like a bunch of cool shit!

A signed letter from Griffin...

Sick Poster

Front of white tee

Rear of white tee

Black Tee

Condom, Sticker & Flyer

Thanks again Griffin! I look forward to your future projects! D A R K