Due to situations beyond my control I had to move yet again and take my shit across the great state of california and back to arizona. My computer obviously works but when i got to hooking up my speakers, interface etc i've discovered there is something terribly wrong in my chain somewhere and can't get any sound out of my interface or even my computers soundcard. I don't know if it is my interface, the sub in which my speakers are running through or my computer that is causing the problem. If I can't make music anymore because of this i'm gonna be royally pissed. I've had all my shit for awhile so i have no warranty anymore. I actually get sound as in you can hear the speakers working when i play a song or whatever but you can't hear anything else. What can I do? I don't have much money right now. I hope my computer didn't lose its ability to make sound come out of it, if thats the case i'm fucked I definatly can't buy a new comp right now