my bro got tha game today...i was skeptical about tha new fatality system, but that shit turned out to be pretty fun, & easy to pull off without memorizing much...& like drunkinfool said, its alot more than just 3 ways to kill em.
my only complaint is there's only 2 fighting styles per character now--- their regular one, & weapon. that makes certain characters with weak styles sub zero, who used to be my fav. that's okay tho, cuz noob's tha shit!!!! & as we all know, noob is the origional sub zero. rain's dope too, but you gotta unlock his alternate outfit cuz that cape looks stupid as fuck.
anyway, great game...worth the money. & motor kombat's addictive, if you got more than 1 person playing it.
EDIT: i was wrong about sub zero...i saw his stance, remembered it from the last game, & assumed i wouldn't like it...but its been tweaked, & he's better than he was in tha last 3 games. in fact, pretty much everybody plays well...the only disappointment is drahmin, who was one of my favs in deception. they fucked up on him.