1NorCalSinner4 said:
Its coo but dont hit me as hard as acid do. The ones i got were grown in a lab and are the Mexican Shroom species. It gives you crazy visuals like moveing floors, swirling walls and distorted faces. The feeling vareys from person to person but for me it feels like i got TONS AND TONS of energy but im numed out and cant really talk very well at all. I cant fuck when im on it cuz i have no feeling at all. Also it gives you the feeling of entering a differint univers and make you think alot.. I think of dumb things like "am i walking or are my feet walking me???" "Do they all know im frying?" and all sorts of really crazy things. Dont be around people you dont trust cuz youll be tripping and thinking they wanna kill you or that your not high and they posiend you. When you eat you cant taste shit!!! so eat citrus shit life Sunny Delight orange juice or frozen lime or lemmon or orange pops........
When you eat them dont just swallow em, chew on em for a lil bit to help the chemical get to your brain..... About drug testing, it can only be found in your shit/piss/blood for 3 days at the most 5 days. The spinal tap mith is fake as fuck and if anyone feeds you that bullshit slapem for me.
Over at the detox _BONG_ told me to eat 3/4 of what i got but the dealer said only eat half of this cuz this shit sapposed to be real strong..... But i might get brave an do what _BONG_ said cuz it might be cool.....
O and what i do when i take it is do em on my day off. Ima wait till monday cuz my son will be at my mother in laws house, my wifes at work and im home alone. A trip will last you 6-12 hours depending on how much you ate and how good it is. HAVE FUN IF YOU GET ANY!