That video looks pretty lame...all it seems to do is glorify being a there a future career in being a thug?...I have yet to see the position of thug posted on
That video looks pretty lame...all it seems to do is glorify being a there a future career in being a thug?...I have yet to see the position of thug posted on
I didn't see them glorifying thug life in that documentary. Mess was even saying they need to fix shit out there, it's just a documentary showing people what it's like in some neighborhoods in frisco. But I understand what your saying.
Unless he's gonna take this money he makes and put it back into his community to make it better.....I don't see anything here but some publicity to glorify thug life...u can say u wanna fix shit...doing a whole different story...
Well I don't know Messy Marv personally so I don't know if he's put money into his community. But I would have to watch the whole documentary until I can pass judgement on whether or not it glorifies thug life.