KrazeeRDM said:
so lemme get this str8. u can post videos but not mp3's and songs and shit right? and one more question and its just cause i'm curious. y cant u post tracks on here if they unreleased or a feature or somethin, i understand official albums n shit but y not that?
Video's are a promotional a commercial. They aren't always available retail. That is why.
Featured tracks are retail tracks too, just because you arent taking money directly out of Tech or Strange Music's pocket, doesn't mean you can take it out of someones pocket who payed 5gs to get Tech on their album. People invest money into a product, only for it to be cloned and given out for free.....its a pretty immoral concept.
Unreleased....the thing is people don't know how to draw the line. If you allow one thing to be opens the flood gate, because most douchae bags of the board either don't know how to draw the line or dont care.
I am not saying everyone is a douchebag.....there are some competent people here contrary to popular belief......I am just saying I am not going to allow people to make judgment calls on what shall be shared and what shall not. You all can do what you want to do on PM on AIM.....that is your world....this is Tech & Strange Music's turf. respect it, and don't question it.