Grew_Sum... Your almost on point, but not exactly in line with my plans...
With music, (in my opinion) you have 2 chances to make it before you are washed up! Let's say that in the game you have 20 roadblocks, before you get what you deserve, and that is national exposure... I am on roadblock 1 because "one", I haven't exposed myself, and "two" I am there because I choose to, but in my head, I am on roadblock 7 because I am not going in blind. I understand what you are saying, but everyone expects to be the next big thing, and I wish that would happen, but I keep my dreams real, but dot let it get too far away from being a dream...
Now when I say you have two chances, I mean after you drop some stuff the first time around, you might get peoples attention i.e. X-tacy ("So Heavy") or whoever yall consider someone that has made a hit, and isn't doing enough planning to say in the light... Now he is doing his thing, but I am just using him as an example, now after the hit single "So Heavy" you fall into the darkness, and people wonder where you are at, but you never really release the album, or you do after two years of trying to throw that same ol' single at the same ol' people and then release it like someones gonna really buy it. After being gone a couple of years, you take another stab at it, and everyone say's yeah, I remember him, the "So Heavy" dude, he was tight, and they give you one more chance to shine, after that, if you come wack you are another statistic, and in K.C. that is BAD!!! Happens all the time...
For me, I have to have hit after hit after hit, and without missing a beat, people have to know me, and not confuse me for someone else, and know "of" me around the city, I am their product, they are apart of me, and giving em' what they want is the first step... I feel that I have the ability to tear some shit up on whomever's I collab on. Most people have that one "hit" song, and after you get the album, Tech's verse is the only one that is good on the whole thing. Cannot be me there dude...
Now me getting to see first hand how to do this shit, that kicks me up over a few roadblocks, and knowing who to deal with and who not to is also a push. I just feel inside that I know what I am doing, and when the time comes, I'll know whether or not I was right... I feel that I am not the everyday cat, that's all..
-Fuckoff... No I'm not talking about Vertigo, they are doing thier own thing, I wont mention who, but it's all about being set apart and doing your own thing. I will really leave this alone, because word gets out and I dont want to hurt anyones feelings Ha, ha...
-Zer0, I know what you meant, we alway's say silly shit here all the time.... You cool... I'd still kick your ass though....