HeY MasZive, You DoiNG aNYTHiNG aBouT GeTTiNG SoMe PRoMo STuFF? aND Tormentid, You GoNNa LeT Me GeT SoMe oF THe STuFF You HaVe? JuST SeND Me YouR aDDReSS oR a PLaCe To MeeT uP aT aND i CaN PiCK iT uP iN MY CaR. MY e-MaiL iS [email protected]
Twiztid just got into the promo scene and doesn't realize that after the poster and flat he hangs on his wall, he's still got 400 of each to get rid of which should be on the streets, but hangs under his bed or in his closet, where michampin is hiding.