Man used penis to assault female police officer

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May 13, 2002

A man who assaulted a female police officer with his penis has been fined.

Marium Varinauskas, 28, tried to strike the officer on the head with his penis when she was called out to his flat, but she got out of the way.

Lithuanian Varinauskas admitted a charge of assault at Aberdeen Sheriff Court and was fined £600.

The court heard he had been drinking heavily and could not remember committing the offence at his home in Aberdeen.

Police were called to his home by his girlfriend, who had complained about him being drunk last November.

They arrived to find the self-employed engineer sitting on the sofa wearing a pair of underpants.

He apologises profusely and is extremely embarrassed
John Hardie
Defence solicitor

Fiscal depute Elaine Lynch said: "The accused got to his feet and was standing over the police officer exposing his penis and thrusting it in her face, forcing her to take evasive action to avoid getting struck."

Defence solicitor John Hardie said: "He was sitting on the couch drunk with his pants on.

"He can't remember anything but accepts that if that's what the police say then that's what happened.

"He has never been so drunk before that day and accepts he has to take full responsibility. He apologises profusely and is extremely embarrassed."

His not guilty plea to committing a breach of the peace by uttering offensive and sexual remarks was accepted by the Crown.

Sheriff Annella Cowan was told that the Lithuanian had now quit binge drinking because of the incident.

A man who assaulted a female police officer with his penis has been fined.

Marium Varinauskas, 28, tried to strike the officer on the head with his penis when she was called out to his flat, but she got out of the way.

Lithuanian Varinauskas admitted a charge of assault at Aberdeen Sheriff Court and was fined £600.

The court heard he had been drinking heavily and could not remember committing the offence at his home in Aberdeen.

Police were called to his home by his girlfriend, who had complained about him being drunk last November.

They arrived to find the self-employed engineer sitting on the sofa wearing a pair of underpants.

He apologises profusely and is extremely embarrassed
John Hardie
Defence solicitor

Fiscal depute Elaine Lynch said: "The accused got to his feet and was standing over the police officer exposing his penis and thrusting it in her face, forcing her to take evasive action to avoid getting struck."

Defence solicitor John Hardie said: "He was sitting on the couch drunk with his pants on.

"He can't remember anything but accepts that if that's what the police say then that's what happened.

"He has never been so drunk before that day and accepts he has to take full responsibility. He apologises profusely and is extremely embarrassed."

His not guilty plea to committing a breach of the peace by uttering offensive and sexual remarks was accepted by the Crown.

Sheriff Annella Cowan was told that the Lithuanian had now quit binge drinking because of the incident.
Feb 21, 2006
It'd be funny to go watch that court hearing

"Mr. Varinauskas, you are being charged with assaulting an officer with your penis.... How do you plea??????"

"Uhhhhhhhh, No Marty, your honor"


Sicc OG
Dec 7, 2005
lol and all he got was a £600 fine?

i'd happily slap a policewoman in the face with my dick for £600 and then make a thread about it on afterwards only to have some fun-spoiler come into the thread saying "yo homie pics or it didn't happen, no marty" at which point me and other members of the siccness would turn on him calling him a homo for wanting to see pictures of my dick
Jan 28, 2005
I've come to two conclusions:

1) my girlfriend is no longer allowed in my house- or my girlfriend- if she's calling the police on me TWICE for "being drunk" IN MY OWN HOME. The fuck is that shit?!

2) You whip your dick out on a female officer in teh United States- God rest your soul because you're going to end up with AT LEAST three 9mm shells in your torso.