man has married for the 53rd time

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May 13, 2002
Malaysian ties knot for 53rd time

A Malaysian man has married for the 53rd time - and has gone back to his original choice, wife number one.

Kamarudin first married his new wife more than 45 years ago

"I am not a playboy. I just love seeing beautiful women," Kamarudin Mohammed, 72, told the New Straits Times.

Kamarudin, who was married to one woman for just two days, said all his marriages ended in divorce, except his last, which ended when his wife died.

As a Muslim he could marry more than one woman at a time, but said he did not believe in that, or in flings.

His new wife, 74-year-old Khadijah Udin, said she agreed to remarry him after he agreed to give up his flighty ways.

"Kamarudin... promised to look after me until the end of our lives and said he did not want to continue his habit of remarrying repeatedly," she said.

The groom said he was happy with his choice.

"(My daughter) was right when she said I had never forgotten my first wife after all these years. I am pleased to be united with Khadijah again," he said.