COOKEVILLE, Tenn,-- A Cookeville man reportedly had two teeth knocked out, a busted lip and another tooth chipped following a fight with two men, one of them wearing a hotdog costume.
K-9 Officer Cary Matheney took a report of the incident which occurred on November 1st after a Halloween party at a local bar called Char.
The victim tried to break up a fight at the bar and when he arrived to his home, the man in a hotdog costume and another man started a confrontation which resulted in the victim's injuries. It also resulted in his wallet disappearing during the fight.
K-9 Officer Cary Matheney took a report of the incident which occurred on November 1st after a Halloween party at a local bar called Char.
The victim tried to break up a fight at the bar and when he arrived to his home, the man in a hotdog costume and another man started a confrontation which resulted in the victim's injuries. It also resulted in his wallet disappearing during the fight.

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