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Sep 7, 2006
Sapnin! This is Mac We$t. Reppin the SD Region of So Cal. Just tryin to get some feedback here. I wish i would've known about this site sooner. Let me know what yall think of my sheeit. They're just beats for now. The lyrics will come later. Let me know whats up. Add me and i'll let u know what i think about ur stuff. Peace!!!!!!!

Check It Out!!!!!!
Apr 26, 2006
That first one is pretty cool, that Mac West Invasion. Don't care for that long build up though and second higher pitched variation.

Keep it up, their just too simple bro and the quality is pretty bad, distorty and also too dry. I would have to suggest that you stop using samples for the melody parts, it just doesn't sound right when they pitch up and down. Use soft synths instead, it will sound more natural.
Apr 12, 2005
let me give you some real advice...dont put no lyrics on em...I respect your effort but they are boring....robotic.With my experience with producers beats and being around when they play beats...usually people will respond by saying things like..."Id tear that beat up...., or.."I could see Jay z...Snoop...or some one rapping on that.
On your beats not only could I not picture it...but I have no desire to.
again..I aint dissing you Im just keeping it real with you...It sounds like you are using fruity loops,although at this point equipment isnt the culpprit...practice practice will get better..
Oct 8, 2005
the nighttrain an thun got potential, but to be honest the hihat for the chour dont work, i would put a bass kinda sound to the chour. you should bring that beat back to the lab an spend some more time on it cause like i said it got potensial.

if you are using fruity loops to production this i my opinion on it.
you should change to reason 3 or cubase sx3 or pro tools.
if you use FL because its eazy to work with you should change to reason 3 its eazier to work with but you get a better sound outta it. only thing with reason is that it dont suport VST.. but the synths in it are powerful and good, the sampler is coo..

but if you work with FL cause the VST you should change to Cubase cause there is no comparing the two. soundwise, options and damn everything. it might seem hard to do music in the begining but the time it gone take you to make good tracks and good mixed in FL you gone master the SX3.. cause eventualy as you produce more and more tracks i think that you gone change to pro tools or cubase anyway..

but then maby you want to work with the FL and its coo.. im not tryin to hate or diss or nuthing.. im tryin to help you and speaking from my expersiens and choise..
Apr 12, 2005
^^^^^some good points....if you gonna go software route i reccomend a sequencer like pro-tools/logic/sonar/cubase/nuendo.I would only reccomend reason as supplemental sounds....its a descent all in one,but the sound engine leaves a lil to be desired,and as said it dont support VST'S.If I had to pick between fruity loops and reason it would be fruityloops..simply because it supports vsts....that being said when I was getting my mpc3000 painted i bought a full version of fruity loops,and less then a week later it was in the trash....
I think many newcomers think that going the software route is gonna be cheaper..not really the case at all...a good vst may run you $300-$400 your computer is gonna run a good amount as well and you need a descent one to process audio efficiently.Although they make computers and audio more reliable then a few years back....there is always the burden of computer issues.
You can find that in the end the hardware(in wich software tries to emulate) is the cheaper way to go in the long run.
I wouldnt reccomend the mpc1000..Id reccomend at least a 2500...but My personal choice would be between the mpc3000 and mpc 4000...If you are most happy with alot of features-the 4000 may suit you best...but for simplicity and great sounds the 3000(mind you battlecat,dre and quik still use the 3000)
If you are on a tighter budget look at a mpc2000xl(not the plain2000) these can be found around $500
thats your sequencer/sampler/drum machine and extremely reliable.
With that you can concentrate on can still sequence vsts hooking a midi cable to a computer.You can still sequnec sounds from reason...
But as software is getting more common due to all the budget are seeing that hardware sound modules and synths are getting cheaper....EMU proteus2000 goes for around $200 A roland jv1080 goes for around the same and these modules except expansion the possibilties are endless......
Apr 26, 2006
haha, d@mn you guys are mean. lol @ "Robotic," J/K. I atleast see some potential in that first track, but still waaaaay too simple and bad quality.

Nah, but seriously, FL Studio doesn't have anything to do with how his tracks sound. He probably did use FL Studio, but it's his lack of experience and knowledge that makes his tracks sound the way they do. I use FL Studio to this day and back in the days my $hit used to sound pretty similiar as well, pretty robotic, but that was mainly because I had no knowledge. Now I have a completely different sound. That's why FL gets a bad image because it's a program that a lot of beginners like to start off with and therefore you get a lot of tracks that sound like this dude's. To me I personally think FL Studio is awesome, from beginners to advance, it's how you use it. It's a great tool if used right and that goes for any program or hardware. Just because your using Cubase or Pro-Tools doesn't mean your going to be producing some high quality $hit right off the start, it's up to YOUR skill's that determine that. If your using some wack ass samples with Cubase, it will still sound like $hit,etc... Like I've said before, if you have it, you have it. Practice, Practice, Practice and read info.
Apr 12, 2005
I personally dont like the sound engine in reason or fruity loops....If i were you I would keep the asr10,as a midi controller and a good sounding sampler.get an mpc for drums and sequencing...I could take or leave the triton.....
Apr 26, 2006
50cal said:
I personally dont like the sound engine in reason or fruity loops....If i were you I would keep the asr10,as a midi controller and a good sounding sampler.get an mpc for drums and sequencing...I could take or leave the triton.....

What don't you like about their sound engines? I doubt their "engines" make any difference with how the output sounds.

For example, take .wav "sample_A" (no effects added or adjustments) and run that same exact sample_A in FL Studio, Reason, Cubase, Sonar, Acid, Pro-Tools,etc..., I'm sure that sample will sound exactly the same regardless of what host your running it through. It just doesn't make sense for something as simple as that to sound different in each host. Software is software, I'm sure they all use similiar if not exact algorithms to process the sounds.
Apr 12, 2005
BOOBOO619 said:
What don't you like about their sound engines? I doubt their "engines" make any difference with how the output sounds.

For example, take .wav "sample_A" (no effects added or adjustments) and run that same exact sample_A in FL Studio, Reason, Cubase, Sonar, Acid, Pro-Tools,etc..., I'm sure that sample will sound exactly the same regardless of what host your running it through. It just doesn't make sense for something as simple as that to sound different in each host. Software is software, I'm sure they all use similiar if not exact algorithms to process the sounds.
each program processes sound different...even a reason rep said the same..he was defending reason and saying they were or made a better version with bettor sound system.It would be easy to think that they should all sound the same..its just not true.Just like hardware synths...each maker has its own sound system,and the way it processes audio.Just like not all sequencers are created for those that understand the mpc and differences each model has.If you had a triton and a mpc and used the mpc to sequence the sounds on the triton and duplicate that just using the triton..there will be a difference...alot of software heads wanna downplay and argue the point.

recently someone on another site when asked about the upcoming mpc500 he said
that shit is for amateurs. even the 1000 is on some bullshit. the convertors arent that great and the whole thing is put together really cheaply. the pads even go out on a lot of them. the reason akai keeps making these cheap mpc's is cuz even the more expensive ones are obsolete. real producers know that there are much better options out there than the mpc or any other similar hardware. dont waste your money
he also went on to say they aint practical

i asked wich mpc he has used and whats more efficient..he said
ive used the 1000, 2500, 3000, and 4000..

my advice is to find a good program along the lines of reason. you can even hook the mpc up to reason if you like the whole pad control. theres 4 or 5 programs out there and which one is best depends on your style and how you work so do your research and find some good royalty free samples

if you really like hardware... check out rolands new lineup, they have some cool shit
I think he is full of shit except about the convertors and cheap build on the dont even make sense....he probably tried one out at guitar center with nothing midi'd up...then he reccomends roland...i thought it was obsolete and less efficient.....

Anyways use what ya want but to say anything should be the same quality is like comparing the quality of a kia to mercedes....and I would steer any and everyone from an all in one type system.There is so much equipment out there to help you make some good music..whether it be hardware or software...example you can get an akai s950 for about $100 on ebay...your samples cant get any dirtier then that...or a EMU Emax for about 200..same sample engine as EMU sp1200 sequence some drums on that sampler and tell me what ya hear then....
Oct 8, 2005
BOOBOO619 said:
What don't you like about their sound engines? I doubt their "engines" make any difference with how the output sounds.

For example, take .wav "sample_A" (no effects added or adjustments) and run that same exact sample_A in FL Studio, Reason, Cubase, Sonar, Acid, Pro-Tools,etc..., I'm sure that sample will sound exactly the same regardless of what host your running it through. It just doesn't make sense for something as simple as that to sound different in each host. Software is software, I'm sure they all use similiar if not exact algorithms to process the sounds.

ofcause there is a diffrense, the sound in cubase/pro tools is more real and warm an the reason/FL is like boxed in and lifeless. now i dont say that you cant make good mixes in reason an FL, cause its alot of skill to mixing not only the software BUT no mather how you turn this if you got skill to mix, your tracks will allways sound better in pro tools and cubase.
about diffrent soundengines there is alot, like explaind above by 50cal
the way to go if you are a serious producer is hardware, and use the SX/PR for arrange the tracks or you do that right on the synth, thats up the the individual..


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
well..i don't either..however i learned how to keyboard by ear..i self taught myself since i was 7-8 years old..i would practice on some more melodies, work on dem bass lines ya dig...take the criticism in this thread and improve..hell 50cal gets in my ass about me too, so don't take it personal
Apr 26, 2006
OK, yeah I suppose the sound engines are different. But to me, I think the main differences still come in the form of features and user interface when it comes to software. I think it's all a matter of opinion also, for example, certain features that may come in Pro-Tools may be better suited for some people, than they are in Cubase,etc... and vice versa. Same can be said about the user interface of the program, to some, they might better like to work in an environment like Sonar than in an environment like Reason,etc... & vice versa.

I don't want to say you guys ain't right, but I remember reading a thread about this same exact thing at KVRAUDIO.COM (which is highly dedicated to Software) and the majority of them said their sound engines are the same. Some guy even broke down the programming code for all the popular hosts when it comes to processing sound and the code was the exact same for all of them. So I really don't know. :confused: