The cover is basically a tightened up version of the first one so the text is "floating" JUST LIKE the first one. Everything is pretty much JUST LIKE the first one, font selection & placements of the parental advisory & the features, the green to yellow gradient etc. If you are not up on Bay Area CLASSICS then may not feel because you are a "don't-know". I don't mean to sound harsh but real is as real does. You don't go & eff up the OG maaaayn.
GraphixLab- Correct...I purposely left it uncolored so that the focus is more on the clown...I actually meant to take the color out of the handle for the jpeg, in the OG it is uncolored.
Prod- I do what I drawings are like puzzles because that is how I see things. & Obviously it worked because you stared at it long enough to figure it out. Good lookin' out on the feedback nonetheless.
"Give me my moneeeey" - Smokey