I hope the production on "Dinner & A Movie" is tighter than "LBI". "LBI" had a few tight tracks, but most of it was average or below average. The productoin was lacking and Lynch didnt bring it like he has done in the past with Season, Loaded, ect.....
I have always been a Lynch fan and always will.....but I have to agree that Lynch doesnt bring it like he did in the past. I hope he will prove me wrong with the new CD.
"Uthanizm" was a big disappointment with production. The only track I bump from that is the one with Zagg, Loki, and Crookwood. I think it is #14.
Loki "21 Gun Salute" was a banger, tight lyrics & production. Best CD to drop in 2004.
I am also looking forward to Zagg's new CD.
So Siccmade is still on top in my book. I will always support them. They have that underground heat.