What you described sounds like a premonition to me, rather than a lucid dream. When I think of lucid dreams, i think of being in full control of a dream. It sounds like your dream gave you a glimpse of the future, a premonition of sorts. Either way, I had a dream similar to yours, except it was in reverse. A close friend hung himself, and a few days afterward, i had a dream where he appeared. He and I were at the local mall, which happened to double as a hospital, and in my dream he was dying, hooked up to machines and shit. As he was gasping his last breaths, I was begging the doctors to do something, but they were completely incompetent, and I lost my friend again, just like I had in real life. What sticks out most to me is the helplessness I felt as my friend slipped away.
I don't know what to make of my dream, just as I don't know what to make of yours.
I do, however, greatly sympathize with the pain that caused such an unusual dream.
Stay up.