If you're ever in Guadalajara, GO SEE CMLL LIVE!!!!!!!! Shit is off the HOOK!
Definitely not just 6man matches. They open with a few crappier matches between 2 jobbers. Then get into a tag match or something else.....and so on. A Real good mix.
Best match I saw, was Pierroth, Pierroth Jr and some other guy vs 3 other guys (Lol)......that fool Pierroth was talking CRAZY shit about Mexico because he's Puerto Rican. Started singing the Puerto Rican national anthem and shit, in a HORRIBLE raspy voice....it was cracking me up.
Every time a good-looking girl walks near the ring (you have to to get to the bathrooms), everyone goes FUCKING NUTS. The whole building will start whistling and yelling shit out.
And every once in a while, some dude will stand up and start yelling "QUE SE PARE!" ("PLEASE STAND UP!", basically).....then the WHOLE SECTION will start chanting it, until the girl they are yelling at stands up so everyone can look at her.
Too bad I didn't get to go on a Sunday, that was when they had all the best matches. But the Tuesday shows were still off the hook. Always a good time
(none of this was televised by the way)