Looking back on school....

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Apr 25, 2002
I was sittin back today thinking about how fucked up my whole run at School was, and how I had no other choice but to drop out due to my lack of "motivation to perform" and I thinking back, I hated school, but some things were still good, like P.E. in 9th grade taking peeks into the girls locker room during "swimming" they had a back door that granted easy access to me and a few friends, and also putting the porno flick in the VCR during art class and watching the reaction of the class, but all in all I hated most everything about school, waking up early, being half asleep for the first half of school, having to sit through some no talent "art teacher" tell me that I shouldnt "draw things that promote violence", some hippy tree hugging teacher spit his nonsene towards the whole class and having to pick on those that deserved it, the people I picked on deserved every single second of it, they would all do something stupid that no one pointed out and dumb things that needed to be exploited and recognized, I had no choice, something about all those people made me do it, case in point this one young buster named "Matt Hoffman" the punk had the nerve to shine a lab light in my face thinking that I would be playfull with him, how wrong he was, a day afater that he bumped into me by accident, that was the turning point for his "school days" for weeks I challenged him to fight me, and he never did, than one day during lunch I corned him into a wall, once again challenging him to be a man and fight me, but I made him cry while shouting "hit me" and other things at him hoping to spark a small bit of manhood in him and allow me the pleasure of beating on him, but he never retaliated, he just sat there scared, so scared I could see the fear in him, didnt even wanna look me in the eye, all of that drove me to make his time at school hell, than he had to go mess up and tell the school police, that made things worse, I had no choice but to "turn up the volume" on him, but after all that I guess he sorta respected me I suppose, because I use to feed him this lie "Im not tryin' to punk you or nothing, Im just tryin to toughin you up" and he believed it, but the truth was, I enjoyed the fear in his eyes, the crackle of his voice, and the pure fun of it all, hmmmmm thinking back school wasnt that bad, and if I could do it all again I suppose Id change a few things....
May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA
I knew a guy named Otis who was picked on by this other guy named Willy back in the 'view. Shit went on all throughout my childhood. Willy was a real a-hole, a classic bully. Willy and I even had a few run-in's in Jr. High. Wish I could tell you that Willy turned his life around but I can't. Otis shot him to death 3 years after I graduated in 1994. Funny how things turn around like that.

Sometimes you just can't take an asshole's bullshit anymore.


haha otis was a g

and i liked school... i justed hated learning :classic:

so much that I failed 7 classes in my freshman year

i never thought i had a chance in hell i'd graduate on time
Apr 25, 2002
Well, since I'm heading into my last year of high school. I realize that this is my last year to do extremely well academically so I think I'll actually aim for that 4.0 with honors GPA. :classic:
May 4, 2002

Ahhhhhh , high school reminiscin.
I loved school (minus the learning like G-8 said)
I just loved meetin and gettin to know different types of people. I hated that whole "popularity - cool - uncool" bullshit thats stereotyped. Shit , sometimes I would eat lunch with some skater dudes. In the halls between classes ........ I would chat with one of them bookworm - honor roll - bifocal wearin females. My click would look at me crazy. But thats what I enjoyed outta high school ............ everybody is cool in their own way. You gotta open your mind and make peace with folks.

Life is way too short.
May 3, 2002
Scottie Pimpin, I agree.
Since they're in high school, they don't have the experience of living with themselves, which means that middle and high school are the beginning stages of who that person is going to have as "friends" (or the shit they're going to be into [such as music and clothing]) when s/he graduates (or drops out) and moves into their own place.
It's cool to network with these people, too, because you might be into something they're into, but you'll never find out because you stereotyped them and assumed they can't be your "friend" because you just literally "judged a book by its cover." I don't know why people limit themselves like this, but I can guarantee you that it's not good.
May 10, 2002
There's a lot of shit I regret about my days in high school. From gettin in with the wrong crowd, startin to fuck with drugs, to gettin kicked off the baseball team for having a 0.57 GPA, to bein a jackass and droppin out. I was too much of a "follower" in high school which in turn led to bad things.

But eventhough I do regret all that shit now, I cant say I didnt have a good time doin it. It was pretty damn fun.