London man is Hindu goddess

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May 13, 2002
Those wacky Hindu's....


Tooting man is Hindu goddess

JOBLESS Steve Cooper has found work at last — as an Indian GODDESS who thousands of Hindus believe can cure their infertility.

Pilgrims head to a remote jungle temple to be blessed by Steve, 32, from Tooting, South West London.

He places his third finger on the their foreheads and mutters: “The goddess is here”.

Surrounded by followers, Steve told The Sun: “I love being here. I don’t miss anything about Tooting.”

He is regarded as a reincarnation of Bahucharaji, the patron of Indian eunuchs. He has been at the temple in the northern state of Gujarat for three months.

Every time Steve walks through the local village, people flock to greet him, shouting: “Jay Bahuchar Ma” - “The goddess is here.”

Gender bender Steve calls himself Pamela. But his devotees have dubbed him Prema — Hindi for Divine Love.

Devotion ... followers in India flock to see Prema, also known as Pamela and, er, Steve
Devotion ... followers in India flock to see
Prema, also known as Pamela and, er, Steve

He said: “All my life I just didn’t fit.

“Now I’ve found my life. I plan to stay for good. I couldn’t leave now.

“They revere me and believe I am a goddess. I feel what they feel in me.”

Steve was living in a tiny flat in Tooting until deciding on his new career after Indian friends told him he looked and moved just like the ancient goddess.

As soon as he arrived at the temple he was treated as a deity.

He now gets up at dawn and dresses in a holy saffron robe before beginning the daily ritual of blessings.

Steve said: “I feel as if I have come home. I was meant to be here. When I first came to the temple, I sat down and smiled. Everything fell into place.

“After about 20 minutes everyone crowded around and I naturally started blessing people. When I touch people I connect with them.”

Hindu pilgrims have no doubts about his powers. When we asked Bhanu Barot why she was so keen to receive Prema’s blessing, she said, simply: “Because she is a goddess.”

Another woman, Rekha, said she had travelled for days to be blessed by Steve. She added: “My sister-in-law came here and she got pregnant immediately.

“I am hoping the same will happen for me after receiving the blessing of the goddess.” But last night Steve’s stunned brother Justin Cooper said: “He’s just an ordinary guy.

Healing ... left, Steve uses his Hindu power middle, Steve's tattoo depicts the goddess and, right, Hindu elder pays his respects to Steve
Healing ... left, Steve uses his Hindu 'powers', middle, Steve's tattoo depicts
the goddess and, right, Hindu elder pays his respects to Steve

“He never told me anything about this.”

Steve now follows a strict vegetarian diet and sleeps in a spartan room. He lives among 80 eunuchs — castrated men — at the temple. But some have their doubts that he is equipped to be a goddess.

Goddess ... the real Bahucharaji
Goddess ... the real Bahucharaji

A eunuch called Sudha said: “He is a fake. I checked and he still has a penis.

“He is a male so can’t be a goddess. He shouldn’t give blessings.” Steve, who has a tattoo of the goddess on his arm, just insisted: “I am both male and female.”

He grew up in Shepshed, Leics, with brother Justin.

Unmarried printer Justin, 36, who still lives in the town, said: “I last saw him about four years ago.

“He had developed a fascination with Hinduism and was visiting temples in London.

“Then about eight months ago he sent me a text saying he was off to India — then another arrived saying he was loving it.

“But we had no idea of the role he was playing.”

Followers of the goddess Bahucharaji Mata believe she was once a princess who castrated her husband because he showed no interest in sex.

Sita Ben Rawal, a trustee of the temple, said of Steve: “People think it is the power of the goddess Bahucharaji that has driven her to come here.

“I’m surprised someone from London would want to come here but we are very happy.”

Vanraj Thakor, who manages the temple guest house where Steve lives, added: “Even here, pilgrims come to receive blessings. It’s incredible.”
May 13, 2002
HERESY said:
Something like that, but from what I understand, most of them haven't had any alterations done. So, I guess they would fall under one of the "trans" definitions.
One of my Political Science professors was from India and one day, for no apparent reason (this had nothing to do with what we were being taught), he went on and on about eunuchs and HIJRAs in India. (At the time I didn't know what a Hijra was). He spent about an hour making fun of them. Shit was comedy
Nov 17, 2002
I watched an HBO documentary on sexual identity in different cultures and they had a segment on some society of people in India who were transsexual or transgendered (or whatever). I don't remember what they were called... maybe Hijra.

There are lots and lots of things that can be classified under the nomenclature "hindu". For a better understanding of how this works, imagine that the Bible instead came along with various other teachings on various fields, many of which deal with material advancement like water irrigation, architecture, business and even sex enjoyment, but that the goal of all knowledge was the portion you know as the Bible. This is the Vedic situation. There is apara-vidya (material knowledge) and then there is para-vidya (spiritual knowledge).

I hope that explains it. Though at the same time, I cannot personally vouch for this Hijra - whether or not it is explained in some Vedic related text. I am simply explaining how it very well might be. There are even texts that describe demigod worship, but then Krishna states in Bhagavad-Gita that those who worship demigods are less intelligent. So basically the situation is, God gives us the facility to try and fulfill our less intelligent desires, and after a while when we realize it is not worth it, we seek transcendental knowledge - Vedanta or para-vidya. And even within the scope of the apara-vidya there is discipline for ultimately leading one toward the para-vidya.