London bombers 'were all British'

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May 13, 2002
Detectives now believe the London bombings were carried out by four British-born men in what were possibly the country's first suicide attacks.

Security sources said it was likely at least three of the men, said to be of Pakistani-origin, are dead after their belongings were found at the scenes.

The details emerged as explosives were found in Leeds and Luton after a series of raids. One man has been arrested.

The BBC's Frank Gardner said an expert may have offered the bombers guidance.

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Jul 13, 2005
No surprise at all. Al Qaeda's BEEN recruiting in the indigenous pop. I remember a discussion on the news, last summer I think. "Al Qaeda Trying to Infiltrate FBI" ! - Talking about the screening process and whatever.

Anyway, if they're citizens then try them and execute them. If not, throw them before a tribunal and execute them.
May 13, 2002
I’m curious- what evidence do you have that Al Qaeda was behind the bombing? Can you please provide me with proof or at least supporting evidence that backs this claim up? Thanks in advance.

Anyway, if they're citizens then try them and execute them. If not, throw them before a tribunal and execute them.
They're already dead.
Jul 13, 2005
Great one liner, but I was referring to terrorists in general.

I won't say for certain Al Qaeda was behind this, but I will say it was certainly a moslem terrorist organization.

Shehzad Tanweer
Hasib Hussain
Mohammed Sadique Khan

^ The three suspects (bombers) according to BBC News. Do you think Shehzad and Mohammed were fine irish lads on a mission for the IRA?
Dec 18, 2002
Joe DiMaggio said:
Great one liner, but I was referring to terrorists in general.

I won't say for certain Al Qaeda was behind this, but I will say it was certainly a moslem terrorist organization.

Shehzad Tanweer
Hasib Hussain
Mohammed Sadique Khan

^ The three suspects (bombers) according to BBC News. Do you think Shehzad and Mohammed were fine irish lads on a mission for the IRA?
I see, so having an arabic name means you're a part of al-qaeda. Great deduction. Maybe its a Moslem thing?
Apr 25, 2002
^^^homie didnt you know??? its all over FOX news people were in the al qeada friendly message board taking responsibility for it....and we all know how reliable FOX news is
May 13, 2002
Joe DiMaggio said:
Great one liner, but I was referring to terrorists in general.

I won't say for certain Al Qaeda was behind this, but I will say it was certainly a moslem terrorist organization.

Shehzad Tanweer
Hasib Hussain
Mohammed Sadique Khan

^ The three suspects (bombers) according to BBC News. Do you think Shehzad and Mohammed were fine irish lads on a mission for the IRA?
If three people in the US named Bill Smith, John Anderson and Steve Wayne blew up a building; would you come to the conclusion that they were in fact part of a Christian terrorist organization?

Listen, as of right now, you know absolutely nothing about the bombings, nobody in the public does. With that being said, it is not rational to point fingers based on the names of the suspected dead.

What we do know is that these men were born and raised in London.

If these men were part of a terrorist organization, it seems likely to me that they would have provided some kind of written testament or video as to why they did what they did. Typically, a suicide bomber believes that they are on the side of right and that their cause is a just cause. Why would these men kill themselves and let it be a mystery and not tell the world about their cause and what they are against? (For example: the occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan, or whatever.)

As of right now, no group has claimed responsibility. At first an unknown, unheard of group claimed responsibility only to retract their statements a couple days later.

What's real interesting is that the London police went from completely confused with thumbs up their asses, to knowing exactly who was responsible and where to look in a matter of hours. It seems feasible that perhaps these people did leave behind some kind of written document or video and the "powers that be" are preventing that information from getting to the public because it does not fit their Al-Queda link story. Of course, that is only a possible scenario and without evidence or proof, this means very little.

As far as I’m concerned, this is a case of domestic terrorism and until solid evidence comes about that proves an outside terrorist organization was involved, that’s what I’ll believe.

And just a little side note: Here in the US, hundreds of people have been killed in the last 15 years as a result of domestic terrorism. Most all of the terrorists were Christian. Now, terrorism means to commit acts of violence in order to achieve a political outcome. It is primarily a political act, not a religious one. That means most of the US terrorists should not be considered Christian Terrorists. The same principle should be applied to Muslims.
Jul 13, 2005
2-0-sixx I'm going to assume you like playing devil's advocate; and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you don't actually believe what you're typing.

2-0-Sixx said:
If three people in the US named Bill Smith, John Anderson and Steve Wayne blew up a building; would you come to the conclusion that they were in fact part of a Christian terrorist organization?
No, because Britain isn't currently at war with 4 million square miles of christian theocracies. Moslem suicide bombings are a constant occurance and it's NOT A STRETCH WHATSOEVER that three terrorists with moslem names would be affiliated with a moslem terrorist organization.

Listen, as of right now, you know absolutely nothing about the bombings, nobody in the public does.
Scotland Yard has been dealing with terrorists before the US population even cared it existed. They're investigation is thorough, well intentioned, well funded, and an authoritative answer.

Of course that's just your segway into a conspiracy theory, so I won't take it too seriously.

Why would these men kill themselves and let it be a mystery and not tell the world about their cause and what they are against? (For example: the occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan, or whatever.)
Just this morning another suicide bomber killed 27 iraqis and americans as they were handing out candy to children. They left no note/manifesto. Because they were murderous savages. My answer to your question why? Because they're neanderthals.

As of right now, no group has claimed responsibility.
Al Qaeda hasn't claimed responsibility yet for 9/11 either. Oh wait, Cheney masterminded those attacks with Elvis Presley aboard a UFO, right?

As far as I’m concerned, this is a case of domestic terrorism
You know what, it did seem like a botched job, so maybe it was just 3 pieces of unaffiliated moslem scum who decided to murder people. Either way, they were islamic fundamentalists.

That means most of the US terrorists should not be considered Christian Terrorists. The same principle should be applied to Muslims.
No, because the moslems are influenced by their fataawah from shuyookh/clerics, trained in masajid/religious institutions, and encouraged from religious pulpits. Their faith plays a direct role in their choice to suicide bomb civilians.
May 13, 2002
No, because Britain isn't currently at war with 4 million square miles of christian theocracies. Moslem suicide bombings are a constant occurance
Muslim suicide bombings are a constant occurrence in Britain? Really, I didn’t know that.
and it's NOT A STRETCH WHATSOEVER that three terrorists with moslem names would be affiliated with a moslem terrorist organization.
I’m not saying it is a stretch, I’m saying it is not rational to make conclusions without supporting evidence, which comrade you do not have.

Scotland Yard has been dealing with terrorists before the US population even cared it existed. They're investigation is thorough, well intentioned, well funded, and an authoritative answer.
Irrelevant. My statement stands: you know absolutely nothing about the bombings, nobody in the public does. If I’m incorrect, please provide us with evidence. Until then, this is all circumstantial and specious.

Of course that's just your segway into a conspiracy theory, so I won't take it too seriously.
Have I mentioned any conspiracy theory?

Just this morning another suicide bomber killed 27 iraqis and americans as they were handing out candy to children. They left no note/manifesto. Because they were murderous savages. My answer to your question why? Because they're neanderthals.
That is in Iraq where a war is currently in progress. A little different from explosions in London where there is no war. And who is to say this suicide bomber's motives had ANYTHING to do with his faith? I seem to recall thousands of Iraqi's fighting the US and trying to get them out of their country. What does religion have to do with that?

Al Qaeda hasn't claimed responsibility yet for 9/11 either. Oh wait, Cheney masterminded those attacks with Elvis Presley aboard a UFO, right?
You know what, it did seem like a botched job, so maybe it was just 3 pieces of unaffiliated moslem scum who decided to murder people. Either way, they were islamic fundamentalists.
Again, please provide proof that these men were Islamic fundamentalists and belonged to a terrorist organization.

Is it that hard for you to consider the fact that these four men had no connection to an outside terrorist organization? They could have easily accomplished these bombings with the “sophisticated masterminds” of Al-Queda. **EDIT** I misread part of your statement.

BTW, immediately after the Oklahoma bombing all fingers were pointed at Islamic extremists. Even after the fact Timothy McVeigh was caught, some republicans and people in the media were trying to connect McVeigh to Islamic terrorist groups and even Saddam himself.

No, because the moslems are influenced by their fataawah from shuyookh/clerics, trained in masajid/religious institutions, and encouraged from religious pulpits. Their faith plays a direct role in their choice to suicide bomb civilians.
And Christian abortion clinic bombers are not influenced by their faith? Perhaps we should judge all Christians as terrorist bombers.


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
Every time something like this happens they always say it was done by Al Queda, sounds like a cop out to me. I bet they hardly ever really find out who is behind those kind of attacks.
Jul 7, 2002
Joe DiMaggio said:
No surprise at all. Al Qaeda's BEEN recruiting in the indigenous pop. I remember a discussion on the news, last summer I think. "Al Qaeda Trying to Infiltrate FBI" ! - Talking about the screening process and whatever.

Anyway, if they're citizens then try them and execute them. If not, throw them before a tribunal and execute them.

lol, what are you watching?