@dipped in butter: but overall, what were the #s compared to GRODT.........
and next, i never said anything about banks flopping, so dont pen other statements people made to me............i just though it was funny you saying both game and banks album flopped, when banks has been out for a little bit, and only at 271K, when game has been out for 2 weeks, and is at 493K.....in record companies eyes, whose album would you rather have out now.........it is not a hard concept to grasp.......but yes, CES, you are correct, both albums did not do as good as their first drop........so if someone is basing a flop album off that, than yes, every album dropped this year is a flop cuz #s arent what they use to be, even 2-3 years ago........i personally never tried to make that point!! so miss me with that side of your argument......if games album is a failure in your eyes, BANKS album is a fucking natural disaster......271K and its been out for a month???!!! with 2 singles (technically 3, hands up, that one slow song with a chick, and cake) already out!!?? that shit is flop guy, not almost gold in 2 weeks..........but hey, im not trying to change your opinion, im just looking at the facts