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May 13, 2002
Man Holed Up in Home After Tax Verdict

Associated Press Writer

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) -- A man who holed up in his house with armed supporters while being tried on tax evasion charges was convicted Thursday, along with his wife, of failing to pay federal income taxes for a decade.

Ed Brown has said he will defend himself against capture if necessary.

U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier said Thursday that members of his staff continued talking by telephone with Brown and had no plans to confront him. Brown said he expected federal agents to swarm his property soon.

"Live free or die," he said in a telephone interview, quoting New Hampshire's motto. "What else can I say?"

Ed Brown's wife, Elaine, a dentist who earned most of the couple's income, has been staying with a son in Massachusetts and attended the trial.

The Browns, of Plainfield, contend they are not required to pay federal income tax. They stopped paying income taxes in 1996 and stopped filing returns in 1998, a prosecutor said. They could each face decades in prison; the government says they owe more than $625,000.

Elaine Brown testified about her research that led to her believe she did not need to pay taxes. Reading excerpts from the Constitution, Supreme Court decisions and other sources, she said ordinary labor, such as the work she performed at her dental practice, could not be taxed.

Courts have routinely rejected similar claims by other taxpayers.

Marshals now have to consider how to seize the Browns' assets. The jury was deliberating whether the Browns should lose their home.

Ed Brown stopped attending court midway through the trial, which began Jan. 9. His wife remains out on bail pending the couple's April 24 sentencing; she has said she loves her husband, but that his way of handling the case is not hers.

A man who answered the telephone at the Browns' house Thursday afternoon said Ed Brown could not come to the phone, but had expected a guilty verdict.

"He's here at the house, and he's not leaving of his own free will," said the man, who identified himself only as Bernie.

Ed Brown, a retired exterminator, has said he stayed home to protest a system that had already convicted him.

"Most Americans would cower and cringe and raise their hands and surrender like a good little slave," he told reporters at his home this week.

"I won't. Under no circumstances. I do not tolerate cowardliness, oppression, bulliness, and I certainly don't tolerate a federal agency that has absolutely zero jurisdiction in my state, never mind in my county, in my town."


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
Arent editors supposed to proof read stories that are written BEFORE they get put up for public viewing?
Yeah, copy editors and section editors...half of the people in the workforce can't do their jobs though.

and FUCK taxes. everyone should stop paying taxes. glad to see dude is stickin it to the man, and he ain't afraid to die...
May 13, 2002
So I thought of this guy today while reading another thread and decided to see what the latest is. Apparently he's still in his house. Here, from Wikipedia, is the Chronology of post-trial events:

February 2007

* On February 1, Ed Brown publishes an open letter restating his arguments against the government and pleading with supporters to come to his home to aid in his defense against the government.[22]
* On February 13, prosecutors ask a court to seize the Browns' property.[23]
* On February 20, Elaine Brown returns to her home in order to be with her husband.[24]
* On February 22, ruling her actions a violation of her bail agreement, a federal judge issues a warrant for Elaine Brown's arrest.[24]

March 2007

* On March 2, a federal judge signs an order for the Browns to pay $216,000 to the government or else face the seizure of their property, including their home. The order is to become final at their sentencing in April. [25]

April 2007

* On April 24, U.S. District Judge Steven McAuliffe sentences Ed and Elaine Brown to five years and three months in prison each for concealing earnings and failing to pay federal income tax on nearly $2 million of income. Neither of the Browns appeared in court for the sentencing.[26]
* On April 26, Judge McAuliffe issues an order that the notices of appeal filed by the Browns on January 28 should be treated as having been filed on April 24 (the Browns' sentencing date) and that their initially premature notices of appeal would be treated as having been timely filed. The judge also orders that within thirty days, the Browns should either file the appellate fee ($455 each) or file a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis.[27]

May 2007

* On May 18, Ed and Elaine Brown are reported as stating they do not intend to appeal their convictions on federal tax evasion charges. They said they have abandoned "man's law" and now follow only the rules and laws put forth in the Bible. [28]

June 2007

* On June 7, police, SWAT teams, and armored vehicles are seen gathering in a field near the Browns' home. United States Marshal Stephen Monier confirms that one Brown supporter was detained near the Browns' property.[29] Several sources later identify the Browns' supporter as a man named Danny Riley, and state that he was detained while walking the Browns' dog, Zoe.[30] Monier's office later releases a press statement indicating that the government agents were not raiding the Browns' home, but were in the area to serve a warrant for the seizure of Elaine Brown's dental office in West Lebanon, New Hampshire.[31] In the evening of June 7, Riley records a video describing his encounter with and detainment by federal agents earlier that day.[30] In the video Riley claims that one camouflaged agent fired two shots over his head after he fled from the agent once happening upon him hiding in the woods near the Browns' property. Riley claims that after being tackled and tasered, he was threatened with 15 years in jail by the FBI unless he told the media that the siege was expected and planned for, and was not the outcome of an abortive attempt to serve a warrant.
* On June 18, the Browns host a press conference at their home with Randy Weaver, who was involved in a deadly standoff with federal officials at Ruby Ridge. Weaver voices his support for the Browns, and the Browns reiterate their intentions to avoid arrest by the government.[32]
Feb 8, 2006
"I won't. Under no circumstances. I do not tolerate cowardliness, oppression, bulliness, and I certainly don't tolerate a federal agency that has absolutely zero jurisdiction in my state, never mind in my county, in my town."

Nov 20, 2005
Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
Arent editors supposed to proof read stories that are written BEFORE they get put up for public viewing?
you would be amazed at some of the typo's i've seen while working for a newspaper. lol

Mar 13, 2003
speedy gonzalez said:
Damn I'm proud of this guy. Only if a few more million were up to do this.


Most of us are ignorant about this "not paying tax" debate. 16th amendment!
IRS can never give a str8 answer from what i understand when confronted with such a debate! watch American Freedom to Facism...


Sicc OG
Dec 10, 2005
Fuck, I feel like somewhat shittier than ever.

Sorry, I know this is off-topic but 2-0-Sixx knows what I'm talkin' bout.