list of best rappers

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Dec 1, 2003
Who is the best rapper in the area?
1. Cola
2. Young Vicious
3. Skunt
4. Half Sane
5. Notes
6. Byrdie
7. 151
8. Crytical
9. Lil' G
10. Mo-X

If you disagree or agree then reply and give your top ten.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
i'd have greedy bd and mak one in there somewhere....but i agree on cola, crytical, notes, 151, and byrdie....maybe skunt too...
Sep 12, 2002
i havent heard everything ever released in the NW, but based on what i have heard: (there are a lot of ties, i had a hard time deciding)


1. Bill Yuns
2. C.O.L.A. and Syko on the sykotherapy album (not feelin the other syko rap ive heard as much as the spits on sykotherapy)
3. Crytical and Sarkastik
4. Skuntdunanna
5. Cool Nutz and Notes
6. Mo-X and D-Sane
7. Thai
8. BG No Joke aka TT aka Mak One aka Makadoshis


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Dak iller said:
these list are stupid cause NOBODY ever list the best rapper's they always list there favorite................

best is based on personal opinion, so obviously people will list their favorites...cause to them, those people are the best....I don't get why people don't understand this?? :confused:
Nov 24, 2003
Sixxness said:
best is based on personal opinion, so obviously people will list their favorites...cause to them, those people are the best....I don't get why people don't understand this?? :confused:

that is not true at all...your favorite may be the ones you relate to the most or feel their lyrics but that by no means makes them the best. my list of favorite rappers is completely differant than those i would list as best rappers. like pac for example is one my all time favorites but he is not one the best rappers ever. being able to rap includes ryhme skills, breath control, timing etc...
May 4, 2002
Mr. Nice Guy said:
that is not true at all...your favorite may be the ones you relate to the most or feel their lyrics but that by no means makes them the best. my list of favorite rappers is completely differant than those i would list as best rappers. like pac for example is one my all time favorites but he is not one the best rappers ever. being able to rap includes ryhme skills, breath control, timing etc...
I couldnt of said it better......


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Mr. Nice Guy said:
that is not true at all...your favorite may be the ones you relate to the most or feel their lyrics but that by no means makes them the best. my list of favorite rappers is completely differant than those i would list as best rappers. like pac for example is one my all time favorites but he is not one the best rappers ever. being able to rap includes ryhme skills, breath control, timing etc...
so you're telling me that my opinion isn't true? lol....Okay...The reasons that you think a rapper is the best of all time, are probably different than my reasons, as well as being different from everyone else's....You might think that rhyme skills, breath control, and timing make the best, but someone else might think lyrics are the most important, or whatever......My personal favorite rappers are going to be on my list of best all time....And to me, it doesn't matter what other people say about my opinion.....but it seems like a lot of people on here care too much about what other people fuckin think.....
May 4, 2002
Masked Man 2O6 said:
Who is tha best rapper in your opinion Dak?

Best to me means. overall, skills, lyrics, delivery, fan base, hustle, ect...... and to me nobody is better then Unexpected Arrival right now........

Dude gets sleeped on Hella out here...........
Jun 2, 2002
Mr. Nice Guy said:
that is not true at all...your favorite may be the ones you relate to the most or feel their lyrics but that by no means makes them the best. my list of favorite rappers is completely differant than those i would list as best rappers. like pac for example is one my all time favorites but he is not one the best rappers ever. being able to rap includes ryhme skills, breath control, timing etc...
True, but come on, I don't have time to separate each aspect (flow/delivery/enunciation/lyrics/breath control), and what not. So I try to base my thoughts on that toward feeling and depth and which artist I can relate to the most.

1. Young Vicious
2. D-Sane
3. Skuntdunanna
4. Lil'G & Mo-X
5. Sarkastik
6. Bullet
7. Bill Yuns
8. Notes & Cola
9. Baby C
10. Syko

And it will never be perfect, because I can relate to one artists music more than the other depending on the song and the situation Im in when Im listening to it.
Apr 25, 2002
Originally posted by Dak iller
these list are stupid cause NOBODY ever list the best rapper's they always list there favorite................

i listed tha best rappers In My Opinion..that list and FTS...
and no i aint goin off who sold this,this & that,im goin off who i listen to and feel most...
May 23, 2002
Dak iller said:
Best to me means. overall, skills, lyrics, delivery, fan base, hustle, ect...... and to me nobody is better then Unexpected Arrival right now........

Dude gets sleeped on Hella out here...........
You fell into my trap. LOL. I'm not tryin' to chop you or UA down by any meanz, as is, I do support Unexpected Arrival, but... if your sayin' he has perfect breath control, then your trippin', I was at tha Twista concert, and he fucked up a few timez due to bad breath control. And IMO, his delivery is not all that great from what I've heard on his self tightld album "UA". He rapped way too fast, can't hear him well, and everyone I've let listen to it said tha same thing, thatz a lot of people. But I haven't heard anything new from him except tha Twista track, so to be honest, I don't know if anything has changed. And tha best rapper shouldn't be based on his fan base, it'z whoever is tha best IYO, dosen't matter what other people say or think. I'm with Sixxness on this, because tha best rapper to me is either Young Vicious, Byrdie or Syko for overall lyricz, delivery, style, ect. And they are my "favoritez" based on they are tha "best". I hope that made sense. Remember I'm not yellin' timber at you or UA. Just my opinion.
May 23, 2002
My top 5 best rapperz and why...

1. Young Vicious - His lyricz are sickening, what messed up is he dosen't even have an album out and he is tha best in my eyez, I love his vocab, style, metaphores, wordplay, everything except his delivery could use a lil' work, but no much. Plus hez young and has so much more room to improve.

2. Mr. Nicc Nutty - Not a lot of you have heard of him, but he has heat. Everything is tight he dose, he can switch up his style anytime he wantz and make a sick song, his wordplay is off tha hook. He can do it all.

3. Bane - What I like about Bane is he can make a song about anything, but I like him for his battle-style song, he comez off...

Damn, my 1st period bell rang, I'll finish my list later.
May 4, 2002
Masked Man 2O6 said:
You fell into my trap. LOL. I'm not tryin' to chop you or UA down by any meanz, as is, I do support Unexpected Arrival, but... if your sayin' he has perfect breath control, then your trippin', I was at tha Twista concert, and he fucked up a few timez due to bad breath control. And IMO, his delivery is not all that great from what I've heard on his self tightld album "UA". He rapped way too fast, can't hear him well, and everyone I've let listen to it said tha same thing, thatz a lot of people. But I haven't heard anything new from him except tha Twista track, so to be honest, I don't know if anything has changed. And tha best rapper shouldn't be based on his fan base, it'z whoever is tha best IYO, dosen't matter what other people say or think. I'm with Sixxness on this, because tha best rapper to me is either Young Vicious, Byrdie or Syko for overall lyricz, delivery, style, ect. And they are my "favoritez" based on they are tha "best". I hope that made sense. Remember I'm not yellin' timber at you or UA. Just my opinion.

I can dig all of that, UA's first cd was done 4 years ago, he has changed hella since then......He actually hates that cd...Just wait to you hear his new shit......

The best rapper should be based on the facts not who is your favorite...... Like Kobe Bryant might be your favorite basketball player but he isnt the best , we all know Micheal Jordan was........

When the Source or XXL does the top 50 mc's of all time they dont sit around a table and pick there favorite MC's they look at the facts. Fan base, record sales, delivery, hustle ect ect ect.........