samgoody in codding town mall santa rosa ca
fye plaza mall santa rosa ca
sam goody plaza mall santa rosa ca
disc jokey coddingtown mall santa rosa ca
the whearhouse santa rosa ca 2 of them
clos music santa rosa ca
backdoor disc cotatai ca
rasputins vallejo ca
vallejostreetshow vallejo ca
mr freezes vallejo ca
the whearhouse napa ca
fonky chicken vacaville ca
fonky chicken plaza mall santa rosa ca
and i think theres a sam goody in fairfield too but bnot shure
sam goody will take some sweet talkin to get your album in there the ones in santa rosa wont fuck with you unless theres a demand for you bullshit your way in it say you got a lil airplay on 107.1 and you had some on 98.7 when streatbeat was around....