first listen, the album was meh. not the best didnt hear much standout shit on it we had it in the background while smokin i just didnt hear much on it that was super tight. they seem to possibly make a great duo as both of them are dope as fuck in my personal opinion but i dont know what it was, the beats were just kinda delicate, just didnt really work out as well as i was hoping on first listen.
but what i will do, is give it a second and third thorough listen to make sure my opinion is on point. just the first impression did nothing for me musically. was just kinda boring to listen to.
and i pretty much check for anything rydah puts out, he has albums people dont like , that i consider classic (power moves for instance)
he just needs really dope beats. like, no mediocre ass beats. at all. rydahs the type of rapper that feeds off the beat, so if it dont slap hes not really going to be the dopest on it.
lil tae is solid in my opinion entirely. great idea, just on first listen bored the fuck out of me. i will make sure to listen to it again and make sure i feel that way.