looks good, the S is cool, unique so even if you just see the S you'll know it's a logo not just someone putting it up by accident... and I'm not seeing what Ice Kapone is with the text
Looks sweet homie, just move the bottom text up a little so it's not running off the edge. Other than that keep it exactly how it is. A logo should be easy and simple, it's perfect how it is.
I'd like to see it on a black background instead of the bricks...too much of one color goin on there. But it looks good just try the black background an post it up so I can take a peep at it.
You should put a M in there and take out the text on the bottom. That would make it look tight, then you could incorporate a different color if you wanted to. Looks tight either way to me though. I'm feeling it.
For real homie, that man just strait fell off the planet. The last time I talked to him was like 2 months ago. I never see him online anymore. It's weird, it's like he just fell off the face of the earth. I wonder what happened to that man.
Hmmm I don't know. I like the hint of white in there, but I don't really like the whole design of it. I don't think the fx looks good in there. I still like my idea of the M in the middle, but it's your logo.